Chapter 108 - Lost Without You

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❶ "Jessica's Sonata"—The Man from Snowy River OST

❷ "Max and Liesel"—The Book Thief OST

❸ "Marion's Theme"—Raiders of the Lost Ark OST

The next morning Luke administered Ben's diagnostic exams in his study while constructing his new lightsaber

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The next morning Luke administered Ben's diagnostic exams in his study while constructing his new lightsaber. Luke chose a dark emerald this time and shaped it for the device with meticulous care. He remembered the last time he built a saber in Obi-Wan's house on Tatooine right before he rescued Han. 

Wish the Empire hadn't destroyed all those Kyber crystals when they built the Death Stars. He struggled with the assembly for a few seconds. Then again, we wouldn't be able to adjust the power if they hadn't. He tightened the power regulator with a Pilex driver and then nestled the crystal into the optics seat.

Every once in a while, Ben stared out the window. "Get to work, Ben. You must remain focused, or you will never succeed," Luke said with a look of admonishment. Maybe he'll settle down when he's a little older. Not even Zeke was this young when he started here.

The Jedi Master shook his head and returned to his own work, soldering the electrical connections in the hilt, the odor of melting metal permeating the study.

The Jedi Master shook his head and returned to his own work, soldering the electrical connections in the hilt, the odor of melting metal permeating the study

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A few days later, after Luke had finished constructing the new lightsaber, he received notification that his new hand was ready. Naluma dreaded his departure—her Force dream had returned over the last few nights, and she knew it would come to pass when Luke was not here.

Each time the vision assaulted her, Luke would go to her chamber on the other side of the complex and wake her out of the dream. Every night, every vision, every time.

Two nights before he left, he sat on the edge of her bed and held her head to his chest. "Naluma, was Ben in your vision?"

She nodded, not daring to tell him what she saw.

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