An Update~

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I remember the first time I called my mother "Mama" in front of Marie Anne. It's kind of unforgettable, but I think I only remember because of something she did.

We were sitting in homeroom, talking. I have no idea what we were talking about - this was a few months ago, you see - but I happened to start talking about my mama. Now, I was hesitant to say "Mama" in front of Marie Anne just because I had never done it before. I remember wondering for a split second, wondering in that pause right before I said "Mama", what she would think.

And then I said it.

And she kinda just... smiled. It wasn't mean. It wasn't meant to make fun of me. It was... amused. For only a few seconds. But I could tell she was surprised.

The fact that Marie Anne was amused when I said "Mama" didn't bother me and still doesn't. I understand why it would be amusing or slightly funny. In English, "Mama" is what a lot of little kids call their mothers around where I live. So, I've always referred to my mama as... my mom. But I've come to resent saying the word "mom," so I'm just going to call my mama what I've been calling her for my whole life - Mama. It's the Polish way to say "mom." It's normal for Poles to call their mothers that.

So why would it be abnormal for me to say it in front of a lot of non-Poles?

I understand that, yes, it is a little bit weird to hear someone call their mother "Mama." But people will get used to it. It's just another word to say "Mom," just in another language.

And if haterz will hate, I'll just ignore them and tell on them.

'Cause bullying isn't right. :3


We got our midterm report cards on Wednesday.

Honestly, I didn't expect the grades I got. I was expecting As and maybe a B+ in Math.

But I exceeded my expectations and somehow got FOUR A+s (I'm so happy <:3) and two As.

This is so awesome :D



And yeeeeeeeesssssssss, I was here on Monday. Some of you didn't know that, but yeh.

The schedule thing - I haven't stopped it or ignored it or anything. I just didn't know what to write on "Let's Talk."


I'm super-duper-really-chicken-fricken happy, though~! :D

About the L word.

Only one person will know what I'm talking about.


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