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Hey, guys.... I need to get something off my chest.

So, I've been getting bullied lately at school. People have been calling me ugly and they've been telling me that everyone would have a better life without me. It sucks... It really, truly sucks. It just... it sucks. Wow, I feel like crying.... It just sucks SO much.

I don't stand up for myself anymore. I don't ignore them anymore.

I just listen. And I let myself listen. I try not to, really, I do, but it's hard not to... I've let people stomp all over my life. I've let their words get to me.

I think I'm ugly. And I miss the old days. The happy days. The days when I strutted like a model in front of my friends, smiling crazily. Now I can't do that anymore. I'll feel insecure and embarrassed. What if the bullies are watching? What will they think? And I've become... quiet again.

I miss being loud and crazy and not having A CARE IN THE WORLD!! I MISS being me! And when I try to be me again, my THOUGHTS- MY DAME THOUGHTS STOP ME. They stop me. And then I can't do it. I want to be me again.

But it's hard to ignore something that I hear over and over again every. Single. Day. It's hard to ignore the words that I've gotten accustomed to listening to. It really is.

No, I haven't started cutting, but this is driving me insane. These words- they hurt. They hurt, they hurt, THEY HURT! I WANT TO IT TO STOP. PLEASE. SOMEONE.

Just make it all STOP!


I'm begging you!


I think I'll be leaving WattPad for... I don't know how long. A week? A month? Who knows... But if I don't come back.....

I'm sorry.

I'm so, so sorry.

I'm so, very sorry for pranking you.

HAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY!!! :D Don't worry, none of that is true. I'm not being bullied, life is great, school is awesome. ^•^ And, of course, I'm not leaving anytime soon, I don't think. :3

And please, nobody give me hate for faking that I'm being bullied. I understand that being bullied can be and is a serious matter. I only used it because it was the only realistic thing I could think of. I promise I won't ever use bullying as a joke.

Anyway... who did I get? ;3

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