Dem haterz gonna hate

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Hater: You're ugly.

Me: That's why your mama wants you outta the house as soon as you turn 18.

Hater: B****! :O

Me: Said the male dog. I'd say the same thing if only I were so nasty.

Hater: Who are you to call nasty?!

Me: Does it LOOK like I dress as eye-candy? You're the one who's shorts are so short, your fat arse shows. And trust me, that's a really gross sight.

Hater: You're rude! >:(

Me: Says the person who will be the first high schooler here to have a teen pregnancy! And then you'll abort, you wretched, evil witch.

Hater: What the h3ll are you talking about?!

Me: Exactly what you said; h3ll. And since your pea sized brain can't process what I just said, I'll just tell you what h3ll I'm talking about: you.

Hater: *slaps me*

Me: *smirks* You're the first one to lay a hand on me, so that must mean that if you die by my hands, I won't go to jail. We all know you'd love to kill me~

Hater: *growls*

Me: I always knew you were a dog...

Hater: UGH! You're so... so..... so STUPID!!

Me: Eh, *shrugs while inspecting my nails* you're the one who can't say a decent comeback.

Random high schoolers: OOOOOOH!!!!!

Hater: *sticks the middle finger up at them and storms away*

Me: *is calling after Hater* You better watch out because soon, with how much you stick that finger up, it'll be so far up your arse that you'll never get some respect!

You: As if Hater even deserves some respect.

Me: You're right, they don't. But it'd be nice to be thought of as someone else besides someone to have good sex with, don'cha think?

You: Yeah, I guess you're right...

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