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How you know someone's crazy:

Person: I'm single! :D


Why did my middle finger cross the road?
So that it could be shown to dem haterz.


Why couldn't the blind woman see?
She wasn't wearing her glasses. (You know how people say they're literally blind when they don't have their glasses on? Yeah? Well, that's what the joke meant :3)


Why did the girl scream when she looked into the mirror?
Answer: unknown. Reason: Author wants to play a game. Reason for wanting to play a game: unknown. Probability of guessing correct answer: 0%

Let's play a game... You write down what you think the answer is in the comments and in the next update, I'll tell you what the REAL answer is.

Let's just say... It may be Game Over for you. ;3

Yep, no one's going to guess the answer. XD I already know.

'Cause I'm smart... Duh.

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