The Susie Black Chronicles

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So... during my little vacation, I was busy.

Busy creating comics. XD So far, they are one shots, and I am not planning on making a whole book, lol. It's just for fun. For now, these comics are going to be called The Susie Black Chronicles, as a girl called Susie Black is the main character.

 For now, these comics are going to be called The Susie Black Chronicles, as a girl called Susie Black is the main character

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Now, that picture above shows the current characters I have created, along with the carpet of my room.

The character at the whole top is Susie Black. Under Susie is Rosemary "Thorn" Sallein (pronounced "sah-lene"), Susie's best friend. Rosemary is actually a year older than Susie at age 13, and she is the crazy/annoying but awesome/taller/daredevil of the two. Susie is much more reserved, but she isn't afraid to act like her thorn-in-the-butt of a best friend.

And finally, underneath Rosemary is her little brother, Baby Bo (pronounced "boe"). That square says "Don't know what to put here. :P", by the way.

You better wave back to the girls. Beneath them, it says: (more characters to come!)

Obviously, those three aren't going to be the only characters. X3

I'll show you the comics now! :D

The one above is the first one I ever created, called "The Little Incident"

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The one above is the first one I ever created, called "The Little Incident". I'll write down what everything says if you can't see:

Susie: *approaches a random dude on the street that's holding his phone up to his face* Dude.

Dude: *doesn't look away from his phone* ...what?

Susie: Dude! *cheerfully jumps into the air, waving her arms* ^*^

Dude: *finally looks up from his phone* What?

Susie: *leans in close to the dude's face* Duuuuude...

Dude: *irritated, he glares at her* WHAT?!

Susie: What's up? ^*^

Dude: *is grumbling* Just going to go weed my friend's lawn for 20 bucks.

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