Religion Rant :P

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I'm not going to state what my religion is because I don't want people of the same religion dissing me or calling me a non-believer. I shouldn't even have to worry about people dissing me or whatever because I can have an opinion and I should be able to state that opinion freely, but people will be people. And sometimes people can be very judging, the motherfraggers.


Heheheh, that was 69 words. X3

ANYWAY. Onto the topic~!

I don't believe in some of the beliefs in my religion, or, at least, don't agree with those beliefs or like them - I don't necessarily not believe in them, I just don't like those beliefs very much.

For example, one thing I absolutely hate in my religion is this one thing about my religion's God. He's very... full of himself, you could say. Another thing about him, which I happen to hate even more, is that he tries to basically FORCES people to believe in him and pray to him. My God is like: "Oh, you're going to pray to that pig? I told you to pray to me! Now you shall be punished!" Seriously, that's what he does. If a group of people are worshipping an animal instead of him, he sends out someone to tell them to worship him instead. Then, if that doesn't work (which it basically never does), he gets pissed off and punishes them (and these are terrible punishments).

This is against what and who God is, in my opinion. I used to think of him as a kind person, but once I started to actually comprehend the stories told with him in them, my opinion of him changed immediately. He's incredibly cruel sometimes - actually, I've never heard a story about him with him not being cruel in some way in it. It's really disappointing of my God to be like this. I mean, he of all people should understand that people have their own opinions and beliefs and that they shouldn't be forced to think in one way.

Jesus forgives everyone in my religion, but does he forgive his father? I would assume so, because (in the stories I've heard) he's never gotten angry with his dad, but, at the same time, why would anyone want to write something like that in the Bible? So maybe Jesus doesn't forgive his father for being cruel, but who really knows? Not one person.

I can't help but look at my God with slight disgust. I really can't. And I know that my opinion of God will probably get me into Hell, but I don't really care (well, I care a little bit). He should understand that people have their own opinions, but no, he thinks that people should believe in him and only him.

For a second, I want you to forget I'm talking about my God and just pretend he's a normal human being. With my opinion of him and what I've written about him, tell me, would you be his friend?

No, probably not. I mean, I definitely wouldn't.

That would be the end of my little rant. I didn't mean to seem like I was forcing my opinions onto you, I was simply telling you how I feel about my religion. I hope I didn't sway your own beliefs about your God. :(

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