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Why are you so fabulous?
Because there's two u's in "fabulous".

Why did I cross the road?
So that I could become a cat. (Felina means cat-like :3)

There were once seven Tic Tacs. One was orange, one was purple, one was pink, one was white, one was green, one was yellow, and one was red. Which one was the pink one?
The third one. (Hey, that's actually pretty good....)

A flamingo has five teddy bears. One is a bear, two are pigs, and one is a cow. The first teddy bear is brown, the second is black and white, the third is pink, the fourth is pink, and the fifth is white. What color is the unknown teddy bear?
Pink. (The unknown teddy bear is the flamingo. The first teddy bear is the bear, the second teddy bear is the cow, the third teddy bear is a pig, the fourth teddy bear is the unknown teddy bear [the flamingo], and the fifth teddy bear is the other pig. Pigs can be white.... :P)

Do you have any jokes? X) Please, tell! :3

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