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November, Saturday



"Is it true that Marcus slapped you?!" Mayra literally shouts in my ear as soon as I answer the phone. Still disoriented from sleep, I slowly sit up on my bed and rub my eyes. "The a*shole slapped you!"

"Mm, Jade" I groan out in annoyance, even though I already knew that Jade was going to tell Mayra.

"Yes, Jade told me! Of course she told me, because you wouldn't have told me!" I can almost see her pacing back in fourth on the white fluffy carpet in her room. "I called you twenty times yesterday, why the hell did you not answer?!"

Because I turned off my phone, so I didn't have to hear from Marcus.

"Um, I fell asleep while doing my homework" I vaguely respond. I lie so easily now that it's becoming a part of my world. A very huge part of me.

"Bullshit!" She calls me out on my lie just like my sister would. One thing about me, I never go to sleep early, and I certainly don't ever fall asleep while doing homework. I run my fingers through my damp curls and grab a fistful of them. "Why did Marcus slap you?"

Just hearing the word 'slap', kills me a billion times all over again. The images of Marcus slamming me against his car and smacking me with his keys in front of all those people, is enough to send tears flying out my eyes again, but I've cried enough. I stayed up crying for hours until I fell asleep last night. I woke up and I cried again, then I went back to sleep.

I've never cried that much in my life before. 

"He was mad" Is all I answer because I don't know how to tell her the truth. He slapped me because he saw me hug a boy at the game. Yeah, there's no way those words are coming out my mouth.

"Okay, and? You say it like it's the most acceptable thing on earth, are you shitting me Melanie?!" I hear a loud thump in the background and I just know that she slammed her hand on something. "That guy put his hand on you, and what, you're just thinking of going right back to him?" I hear the disbelief in her voice and I close my eyes.

I just can't leave him..

"That was his first time ever doing something like that Mayra and that's because he was mad—" I start to lie

"Will you shut the hell up with that excuse!" She snaps, and I slightly jump from the amount of authority her voice contained. "Anger isn't a reason to hurt someone. Especially not a woman! If it's truly his first time doing that than it should mean something to you Melanie, because it is always followed by a next time. Whatever possessed him to hit you the first time may possess him again to hit you a second time. How many times will it take for you to walk away?"

Tears threatened to fall from my eyes but I don't let them. Instead, I bite down on my lip, piercing it a bit and withdrawing blood. "I-I don't think he'll do it again" I find myself saying. I'm lying of course, because he's done it many times already. But only when I do something to really tick him off.

"Oh my God Melanie, are you serious?!"

"Mayra I thought you understood—" I say in a barely audible voice. "I thought you understood" I whisper just as I feel the hot tears strolling down my cheeks.

"I'm trying to understand Melanie. I'm trying to understand why you would want to be with a man who literally only uses you for sex. A man who would not dare think before putting his hands on you. A man–"

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