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November, Sunday


I watch Jeremiah hug and kiss each and every single member of my family, squatting at the waist to pick up Mikaela. She smiles at whatever he says, because like a creep, I'm just watching from afar. I pretend to be on my phone, as I anticipatingly wait for the second he notices me. After all, I did come to church just to see him, no matter how many times I told myself otherwise.

My sister laughs at whatever else he says, and Rony just shakes his head with a smirk. Typical guy laugh, I guess. He talks to my family for a few extra minutes, and their expressions look as though they're so captivated by whatever he is saying. My body urged me to move closer to listen.

As soon as I make a move to step forward, all heads turn to me, including Jeremiah's. I halt to a complete stop, my heart nearly leaping out of my chest. His eyes bore into mines, and a smile slowly starts to appear on his lips. I bite down on my own lips to prevent myself from smiling back like a fool.

God, why is he so freaking fine?

"What?" I approach my family with a questioning look. They all just look at me with wide smiles. I frown. "Why did you guys look at me?"

"We're just happy to see you at church baby" My mom approaches me and wraps her arms around me in a tender hug. As though she didn't make me undress yesterday just to analyze my body. "I was just telling Jeremiah here how much I would love to see you on that stage worshipping God. He did, after all give you a great voice" she looks up at me with a smile.

I can just feel the heat go up to my cheeks. She told Jeremiah that I could sing.

"Mom" I whine

"Oh stop it girl, you know your voice is beautiful. I just miss hearing you sing so much" She reaches up and tuck a piece of my loose curls behind my ears. Of course I untuck it.

"Mm hmm" I briefly look at Jeremiah. He's still staring at me. Um, stop?

"Let's go mom" My sister says, already marching towards the exit of the building, with her family following behind her.

My mom kisses my cheek swiftly and start following behind them.

"Um, bye" I shyly wave at Jeremiah, preparing myself to follow behind the line as well.

I did come with them after all, considering the fact that Melissa still hasn't given me my Jeep Renegade back.

"Wait" I hear Jeremiah say, before I feel my right hand instantly snatched from my side and into his firm one. I halt to a complete stop, heart pounding against my chest and my body instantly heating up at his touch. Is it that serious? I don't act like this around boys. Ever.

And especially not a pastor's kid....

"Yes, Jeremiah?" I slowly turn to face him, a lump nearly choking me from how nervous I am. Hazel eyes bore into my green ones, and a smile instantly appears on his lips. Pearly white.

Hazel eyes, soft chocolate skin, pearly white teeth, beautiful dark waves, tall with a muscular body, and plump pink lips. I was definitely in for a ride of my life if I stay around this boy long enough.

"You're at church" He states with the widest smile, looking like a very proud parent. Almost kinda like the same smile my mom and sister kept giving me this morning. Does coming to church usually make everyone this happy?

"Looks like it" I feel myself smile back.

"You look absolutely beautiful, by the way" His eyes briefly travel up and down my body, rendering me instantly self-conscious. It's been a very long time since I've felt that way. Although Jeremiah gave me completely no reason to feel as such. I thought I dressed appropriately enough for church.

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