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This is only going to be a ONE-time thing!


December 22nd, Wednesday


"Should I get my sister some Victoria Secret underwears too?" Melanie asks absently. And I say absently because she didn't even look at me when she asked the question. She just continues to walk around the store and pick up more undergarments. I continue to trail behind her like I've been doing for the past hour that we've been here.

I never would've thought that girls spent this long shopping for just underwears! Especially after they've already bought a bunch.


"Look at those, they're so pretty!" She squeals happily, turning to face me while holding some pink underwear in her hand. "I'm gonna get them. Should I get them?"

I feel my eyebrows furrow at the small material she's holding "It looks small"

"This is actually a large" she checks the tab on the back. My eyebrows furrow even more.

"Do thongs usually look so small? This doesn't look like it will fit you" I admit truthfully, my eyes slowly trailing down over Melanie's body. She has a small waist, but that's where it stops. Nothing else on her bottom area is small, everything's full. She's what you would call slim thick. The perfect example of an Instagram model. Her body is exactly what so many women pay so much money to have.

"What do you mean? Do I look that big to you?!" She exclaims in disbelief. A few strings of her curly hair comes undone from her bun and land over her eyes. My fingers ache to tuck them behind her ears. I love seeing her face. Especially more now that she doesn't have any trace of makeup up on.

"No" I take a few strides forward until I'm standing before her. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her against me. "But your booty ain't nothing small baby" I lean down and whisper in her small ear.

"Is that a bad thing?" She looks up at me after I stand back up to my full height, her green eyes boring into mines expectantly. I finally give in to my urge and tuck her hair behind her ears, exposing her beautifully soft face to me.

She's so beautiful.

"Mm no. Your husband is going to enjoy you" I say, even though I already know that I'm the man who's going to be her husband. She's too much of a great gift to just let go.

In a short period of time, I've discovered so many layers within this girl that so pretends to be so tough all the time. She told me things about her that she's never shared with anyone else. She opens up to me in a way that just expands my heart for her even more.

"But I want you to be my husband" She responds, stretching onto her tippy toes to wrap her arms around my neck. Her shirt rides up a bit, revealing the small diamond stud in her belly button.

I lean down and place a chaste kiss onto her glossy lips "I am going to be your husband" I promise her because I can definitely see this girl being my wife someday. There is just so much more to her than just what everyone sees.

"Every time you say that I get scared" She admits with a small pout. I lean down and kiss her again, completely disregarding the fact that we're in a store where people are just walking back and forth around us. But honestly, I feel like I shouldn't be shamed. If every man had a Melanie like my Melanie, they'd lose control all the time too.

"But I am going to marry you" I confidently say to her, because well, I am a God-fearing man and God is faithful. He gives you your heart's desires.

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