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A/N: Y'all should really play the song attached to this chapter ^^ I think it hits different 💯 AND PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU VOTE NOW!

Youth Concert, Christmas

December, Saturday


"How many of you are happy to be in the presence of God tonight?" Jeremiah speaks into the mic as soon as he walks on stage. Everyone from every campus shouts in glory. "I don't know about you but I get this genuine feeling of happiness when I know that God is around"

Everyone, including myself, cheer in agreement.

"If you're sitting down right now and you feel like you're too good to be here, like we're doing too much, I invite you right now to join us and shout!" He exclaims and people continue to cry out. "Shout because God chose you. Shout because tonight you got in a car and drove and you made it here safely. Shout because God remembered to wake you up this morning even when you forgot to pray last night! Shout because you have the ability to! Shout because with your shouts tonight you can break walls! SHOUT!"

Everyone indeed shouts, including Mikaela and RJ. The whole church trembles from the powerful shouts that everyone let out into the atmosphere.

"It was a shout that brought down the walls of Jericho! It was a shout, it was a shout, it was a shout! Shout your praises to the Lord tonight! Cry out Hallelujah!"


Jeremiah, correction, the spirit that is within Jeremiah sets the whole church on fire.

"Thank you lord" he breathes into the Mic as he walks back and forth on the large stage. He looks completely different up there. He captures and holds your attention. The God in him demands your focus. "I remember two years ago" He starts to say breathlessly.

"My mom, mom I love you" His eyes briefly searches for his mom in the front row and he blows her a kiss. I smile just as everyone burst into cheers. "My mom told me that one day, God was going to whoop me so good until the veil fell from my eyes. And he did. I got into an accident two years, and there is no way I should've survived. But God's love, grace and mercy is so reckless. I'd done absolutely nothing right for him to have given me another chance. I should've been dead two years ago. It should've been the end for me. The devil pronounced me dead, but my God said not yet!"




"So when you see me acting senseless up here, it is because I know where God has taken me from! If you knew and understood how unworthy and undeserving you are of God's grace, and yet he renews it for you every second, every minute, every day, you would stand upon your feet and give God some praise! If only you realized that you didn't choose him, but he chose you, you would take ten seconds to give him the praise that he deserves tonight!"

The church goes on fire again.

I lift both of my hands up in the air and just cry out to the Lord.

"It's loud mommy!" I hear Mikaela shout next to me but I don't open my eyes. "Daddy, it's loud!"

"Shhh Mimi" Both Rony and RJ shushes her, and I know that it's them because I know my boy's voices anywhere.

"Look Pewee, auntie Mel is on the stage!" Mikaela shouts again over the loud cries and pleas of everyone. My eyes remain close.

"I want you to let no barriers stop you from receiving God tonight. I want you to lay out your worries in front of the alter and let God take care of them. I want you to know tonight that God is here fighting for your joy back! He's here fighting for your peace back and we're going to praise him for that tonight!" My sister's voice enters my ears and my eyes quickly pop open.

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