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December, Monday


"What are you doing in here?" I nearly jump out of my skin when I walk in my room to find Rony on my bed. And yes I say my bed because he doesn't own anything here anymore.

He doesn't say anything. He just sits up and stare at me with an impassive face.

I slowly close the door behind me, all while keeping my eyes on his, and drop my purse on the carpet. It's nine pm, I expected him to be fast asleep by now since he has work early in the morning. I just didn't expect him in my bed, with only freaking boxers on.

I mean it's nothing that I haven't seen, touched or tasted before. But like I already said, us two being in a confined room together, especially with him barely wearing anything, is extremely dangerous. My body doesn't know how to act when he's around.

"What are you doing in here Rony?" I repeat, leisurely stepping out of my red jimmy choos, that he bought me.

"You've been ignoring me" he states flatly. I open my mouth to respond with a sly remark, but he doesn't allow me to. "And your kids"

"I see my kids, so get that straight" I sass, quickly removing the hair tie from my hair, instantly loosening it up from the high ponytail. I run my fingers through my thick hair to detangle any knots.

"Only in the mornings Mel. You're neglecting them just so you don't have to see me" he gets off the bed to stand.

I immediately command my eyes to not stray away from his face.

"I'm not freaking neglecting them! I see them everyday–"

"But not every night. They ask for you every night. They're feeling neglected by their mother"

"Don't say that!" I angrily point a finger at him. I've only been here for less than five minutes, and yet my chest is already heaving up and down in anger.

"But baby you need to hear this. Your actions are hurting our kids. Not just me" he takes a step towards me but I quickly step back. I hate that he has to be right.

"I'm not your damn baby Rony" I say through gritted teeth "And it's your freaking actions that are hurting our damn kids! I would never have to try to ignore the man that I married if he wasn't such a cheating bastard!" I fire venomously.

He closes his eyes painfully as if I just staggered him in the heart.

"I don't want to argue baby" he exhales defeatedly. "I'm just too weak" he shakes his head before lifting up his hands to scrub down his face.

I notice how weak he actually does look. How much weight he actually lost. How empty he looks. How much he's let both his beard and his hair grow out. How his left ring finger still contains his wedding ring. How lost and desperate he looks. But nevertheless, still very handsome. And still my husband.

"I-I didn't want to argue either" I admit, because truthfully I didn't. I told God that I was done lashing out.

"Then let's not argue" he walks down the room until he's standing at least a foot away from me. "Let's just talk. Please"

I look around the room, completely refusing to meet his sad, remorseful brown eyes. Why did it have to come to this? Why do things change in just a second? Why am I here ready to communicate with my husband, but something isn't letting me?

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