Family drama

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December, Friday


Everyone laughs loudly at whatever dad just said. Aka, Melanie and Melissa's dad. But also my dad because he practically raised me as his own.

I, of course, missed the damn joke because I'm still trying my hardest to not explode at my husband in front of all these guests. My very freaking annoying husband that chooses this particular moment to continuously touch me as though things are sweet between us right now.

I haven't seen or talked to the man in nearly three weeks. And I definitely won't be talking to him anytime soon. Even more so now that he stopped me from beating his new assistant's ass a couple of weeks ago.

"Jerome, I swear to the lord, if you touch me one more goddamn time, I'm going to pick up one of these table knives and stab you in the balls" I threaten him with a small smile playing at my lips.

Melissa made it so very clear to me that I had to keep my cool today. Not only because everyone and their mamas are here right now, but because it's Christmas Eve.

"Baby–" he starts to whisper.

"Shut up" I snap, picking up his moving hand off my lap and bending one of his fingers back. He clenches his jaw very tightly and twists the finger out of my grasp.

"You're still carrying my child. You're gonna have to talk to me sooner or later" he finally gets the chance to whisper into my ear without me cutting off his sentence this time.

"I have access to all of your money. I can just move to a different country. Now stop trying to talk to me you cheater!"

"I didn't cheat"

"Yea, you did bastard" I politely smile at Mama Gia who gives me a questioning look. I haven't told her about Jerome yet.

"This food is absolutely amazing" Comments Jeremiah's older sister, Candice, before shoving another forkful of a whole bunch of different foods into her mouth.

I pick up my glass of water and quickly take a sip, praying and hoping that the bile in my throat will dissipate.

This pregnancy won't let me keep anything down.

"Thank you" Melissa and her mother reply. I quickly turn my head to look at her. She looks as if she's trying to keep her cool around Rony too, due to the fact that she hadn't seen him in nearly three weeks as well.

"My mommy is the best cook in the world" Mikaela exclaims happily, taking a huge bite off the chicken leg that she's holding. Everyone laughs.

"That's right, you better lift your mama up girl!" Fabe snaps her fingers sassily like a teenage girl and everyone laughs.

"Really Mimi? What about Nana?" Mama Gia butts in, placing a hand over her heart and feigning as if she's insulted.

Mikaela stops midway from biting her chicken and quickly turn to look at her mom "Never mind mommy, I like grandma's cooking better"

Everyone laughs again as if they're watching the funniest show on TV.

My stomach churns in disagreement as I watch Mikaela take another happy bite out of her chicken. I quickly slap a hand over my mouth and try to inhale as hard as I can.

Jerome notices my discomfort immediately and reaches behind me to rub my back.

I would be so grateful right now if I wasn't so dang mad at him.

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