An analysis

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November, Saturday


Unknown: Good morning beautiful (: had a wonderful time wednesday night, just thought I should let you know since I haven't had the time

That's the first message I read when I wake up and I can't help the smile that overtakes my features upon reading it. I've never gotten a good morning text from a boy before. Actually suqash that, I've gotten plenty of good morning texts before. Just never from a boy that made me a bit nervous and giddy. He made me so nervous that I was almost rendered speechless wednesday night.

But he is a different type of guy. He's a breath of fresh air. He made talking to him easy and comfortable. He made me laugh so much until my cheeks hurt.

I don't remember the last time I enjoyed myself so much with a boy without dirty talk being involved, or just plainly sex in general.

Me: Who dis?

I reply with a small smirk playing at my lips. God, I seriously need to stop. I desperately need this feeling to go away. One night with the guy shouldn't change anything. Especially since it's already been a few days now. I mean, he's a pastor's kid for God's sake. And that means, he's a red flag to me. No matter how charming and kind he is.

My phones pings two minutes later and my heart skips a few beats.

"Oh hell no" I whisper to myself, placing a hand over my heart. This have got to seriously stop.

Unknown: Ouch. How many guys did you go on a date with wednesday night? /:

Again, I find myself smiling at his reply. He didn't even say anything worth smiling at for God's sake! C'mon Melanie!

Me: Is this Josiah?

I tease, laying more comfortably on my pink pillow. I really don't know why I'm getting comfortable when I'm supposed to be getting up to go greet my mother that I haven't seen in a while. Well, physically, cause me and her always facetime.

Unknown: Lol. I'm so hurt right now

I chuckle this time. Now it's just getting ridiculous because I don't know who's body I'm in.

Me: What? did I get it wrong?

I click on the home button and tap on my instagram app in a way to distract myself from being too expectant on his reply. A minute later, his message pops up and I instantly tap on it. Accidently tap on it.

Unknown: You've got a few letters right. But if I must remind you. It's J e r e m i a h

Me: Ohhhhhh, I'm sorry. My mistake.

Unknown: No worries, I sorta forgot your name too.

I frown at that reply. What the hell?

I quickly sit up on my bed with my mouth hanging wide. He did not just tell me that he forgot my name. I instantly start to type.

Me: Don't play with me Jeremiah...

Unknown: I wish I was

Me: wowwwwww

The freaking bastard. Why the heck am I getting riled up about this? It's not like I was expecting wednesday night to mean anything to him. It certainly didn't mean anything to me, right? Why should I care whether or not he remembers my name.

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