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December, Thursday


"Miah, come push me!" Mikaela screams as she runs towards the swings. I almost leap off the bench to go catch her when I see her trip over her own feet and almost land on her pretty face. But thank God she caught herself on time.

Melissa would have an epiphany if I go back home with one of her kids hurt. Especially Mikaela.

"See? That's why you shouldn't be running that fast mama" I get up from the bench anyway and waltz towards her small frame. "Are you ok?" I squat down before her to check for any injuries.

"I'm okay auntie Mel. I fell on my hands" she outstretches her hands towards me and I run my thumbs over them. "They burn" her little mouth turns into a pout.

I bring them up to my lips and kiss them numerously. "There. All better" I slightly poke at her side and she laughs. Very loudly.

"Is she okay?" Jeremiah asks from behind me and I quickly get up from the squatting position.

"I'm okay. Come push me please!" Mikaela answers as soon as I open my mouth to do so. I just chuckle and shake my head. "Come on Miah!" She says excitedly, and has the nerve to start running towards the swings again. With the same speed as before.

"Mikaela slow down!" Both Jeremiah and I call out at the same time. I look up at him and we both start laughing.

"She calls me Miah" he says after our laughter die down. "My mom is the only person that calls me that" he utters softly with a smile on his lips.

"Mm, I guess I'm gonna start calling you Miah too" I walk in front of him and lightly bite at his chest. He chuckles.

"But I like it when you call me Jere" He picks up my left hand and kisses the back of it. My heart flutters.

I look up at him and pucker out my lips so that he can kiss me. He doesn't disappoint. He leisurely places a soft, chaste kiss onto my lips with so much tender and passion.

I don't know what we are at this point. But I know that we spend every night talking on the phone and getting to know each other more. I know that we have mad feelings for each other. I know that he's always taking me out and teaching me something about the Bible. And I know that I'm changing. And that I've never felt this way in my entire life. I've never felt this happy and fulfilled.

"Miah, come on!" Mikaela calls again behind us and we both turn. She's only perched up on the swing and trying her hardest to swing as high as she can. It's not working.

"You better go before she stops being your friend" I laugh. Mikaela can be the most persistent six year old that anyone has ever met.

"Alright, I'll be back" he leans down to kiss me again before walking away.

"Lord, what did I do to deserve him?" I whisper to myself as I watch him lightly jog towards Mikaela with a wide smile plastered on his face. I literally feel fireworks explode in my heart.

When he gets behind Mikaela, I watch him lean down and whisper something in her ear that causes her to smile. She throws her head back and whisper something back into his ear. I watch the scene unfold before me with a small smile. I can't believe that we're really here right now.

"Auntie Mel!" I jump out of my skin when I feel the tug at my hand. I quickly place a hand over my heart when I see that it's RJ. Standing before me, tall and sweaty. In which I just don't understand how because it's not hot outside anymore.

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