FTWD- Chris Mawana

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I started running down my street with tears streaming down my face after I saw my parents turn into one of those monsters...

I kept running down the street until I was stopped by military soldiers and other people around my neighborhood. I kept crying and screaming until I lost my voice and fell to the floor. I then hear some of the military soldiers scream at me and warn me that if I don't stop they will shoot me.

Everyone was staring at me if I was the most pathetic thing in the world...

At this point I didn't care, I felt as if my world has already ended.

" My family is gone!" I yell loudly and begin to hug myself tightly.

I then look up and see a soldier aiming his gun at me. I hear neighbors and other people scream at the man to stop and not to hurt me.

"Don't do it!" I hear someone yell and step in front of me.

I then feel a hand grab my arm, pull me up, and hold me close. I close my eyes tight and listen to a males voice scream at the solider at how stupid he was being. I look up and see a older man at least in his forties. I felt safe, he looked so much like my uncle.

He then grabs my wrist and pulls me over towards a cute boy around my age and tells him to take me back to their house and he whispers something to him. The boy roles his eyes but nods as he begins to walk in front of me.

I keep quite and just follow him. We arrive to the house and watch the boy struggle to open the door. It was locked and he was pretty upset. I watch him ring the door bell multiple times and I watch the door swing open and see a blond woman. " Christopher! Don't do that!" She scolds him as her eyes look towards me with a confused look.

" My dad thought it was a good idea to bring a stranger into our house." He says in a annoyed tone and walks in the house and leaves me with the woman.

" Um alright. Hi I'm Madison." She says a I force a small smile. " I'm Y/N." I say quietly and see her smile fade when she noticed my voice was cracking.

" ALICIA! NICK! COME OUT HERE!" Madison yells and guides me towards the living room. I decided to sit down on the couch and then fumble with my fingers as I see Chris sit beside me.

" What mom?" A pretty teenage girl sighs out as I'm guessing her brother follows behind.
" This is Y/N. Travis and Chris decided to invite her to stay with us for awhile." I then look up nervous and give a short wave and look back at the floor.

" My dads idea. Not mine." Chris mentions as I roll my eyes and give him a disgusted look.

Why is he being so rude and childish?

" Why?" Nick asks confused as i let out a small sigh and look back at Chris. "The soldiers were going to shoot her, but my dad saved her and decided to let her stay with us for awhile." He says as I nod and see Alycia roll her eyes.

" We don't need anymore people here." She says upset as I just stand up and decided to go to the bathroom.
"Alycia!" Her mother scolds at her as I just shake my head in disappointment.
" It's fine Ms.Clark. I understand, I'll leave tomorrow morning so I won't be much of a hassle." I say as I walk by Madison and feel her stop me.
" No, it's fine honey. Do you know where your family is?" She asks as I bite my bottom lip and look down at the floor and look back at Madison.

" They are dead." I say as I look at the siblings and they all just give me a look of sadness. I could tell Alycia regretted everything at that moment.

I then hear the door open and see Travis walk in and smile at me.
" Hey, you feeling better?" Travis asks as he puts a hand on my shoulder as I shrug my shoulders.
" Not really."I admit and watch him frown a bit and look over at Chris.

"Chris you should show Y/N to guest bedroom, you don't mind sharing a room with her right?" Travis asks as Chris just shrugs his shoulders nodding his head. I then watch the boy get up and follow behind him, making him lead the way.

" This is the room, I can sleep on the floor." He says as I shake my head.
" No, I'll sit on the floor." I say as he just rolls his eyes and shakes his head.
" No. I'll just sleep on the couch." He says as I sigh and cross my arms.
" We can figure this out later." I say as I take my eyes off the troubled teenager and begin to look around the room.

"Hey-Um... Y/N I hope you don't mind but how did it happen? Did you have to kill them?" He asks as I sit on the edge of the bed and look up at him.

Was he seriously going to ask me this right now?

" I got back from picking up supplies for my dad, he was sick. My mom wanted to watch over him once I was getting everything. I got home and I saw my mom and dad become one of those things. They were gone. My world felt like it was over. I just ran out of my home and ran." I tell him as I began to tear up. I then watch Chris walk over to me and sit down beside me. Chris then hugged me tight for awhile before pulling my chin to face him.

"  It's not over. " he whispers to me as I stare in his beautiful brown eyes. We both placed our foreheads together and felt him grabs my hands.

It was silent for awhile until he leaned closer which made our lips barely touch. We then pulled back once we heard someone clear their throat. We turned to see Alycia smiling at us both before telling us lunch was ready.

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