Chapter 36

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*Summer's POV*

Running water was the first sound I heard when I woke up. The soft splashing causing my bladder to stir, making it known I had to pee. The bed was empty, meaning either Caspar was in the shower or he had gone back to his room and....Marcus was in the shower. Shit. I sat up, using the hair bobble round my wrist to tie my hair into a pony tail. Last night Caspar and I had gone further than we ever had before, not all the way, but things were beginning to get intense. In all honesty, if it was down to my heart I would not have stopped him, but my head made me. I knew that it was time just yet for me to give myself to him in that way. The water had stopped, causing my breathing to pick up, who the hell was behind that door? I swung my legs over the side of the bed, perching myself on the end as I faced the bathroom. If it was Caspar I'd be happy to see him, but if it was Marcus, I don't know what I'd say to him. My heart ached as I thought of the now broken relationship I had with my cousin. He used to be so kind, so caring, but he's...a monster. How could someone attack their best friend all because he fell in love. Wait...what. Caspar's not in love with me. Don't be stupid Summer, he only said he might be. The door opened, causing me to break out of my thoughts, revealing a dripping wet Caspar Lee. 

"Caspar!" I squealed, relieved. I ran up to him, placing my arms around his damp body. The moisture soaked through my pyjamas but I didn't care. He faltered a little in shock, before returning my sudden hug.

"Good morning." he chuckled, poking my nose. "Why are you in such a good mood?" 

"I'm not." I admitted, my eyes falling to the floor. "I'm just glad you're safe." His finger slipped under my chin, pulling my gaze up to meet his. That's when I noticed his now purple jaw, the effects of my cousin's fist showing. I lifted up my hand, stroking my finger softly over the bruises, guilt taking over my body.

"Sum, I'm okay, honestly." he spoke in full seriousness. I ignored his pleas as I carried of caressing his injury, pressing soft kisses along his jawline. 

"Summer..." he whispered. I looked up and his eyes were closed, his breathing becoming deeper as my spare hand ran along his bare chest dipping into every crevice of his skin. I removed my hand, stepping back slightly out of his arms. His eyes shot open.

"W-" I stopped him by crushing my lips onto his, pouring every single ounce of apology I could into that one moment.

* Caspar's POV*

Her soft fingers ran over my chest, each new stroke sending a brand new feeling through my body. I felt my eyes close, my lips parting in pleasure. It was such a new feeling. After being so roughly beaten by Marcus yesterday, the contrast of gentle touch from Summer's fingertips felt like a whole new world. Her lips continued to press soft kisses to my neck, her lips dry from sleep. The roughness adding a new texture into the mix. I suddenly felt cold as her body moved away from mine. Within an instant, my eyes were open. She looked so innocent stood in front of me, her cotton pyjamas covering her body. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail making every detail of her face even more prominent. She was well and truly perfect. I began to ask her what was wrong when my words were replaced by her lips. The shock wearing off as I returned her passion. I could feel each and every feeling she wanted to say in this kiss. I moved her back, the back of her legs soon hitting the bed causing her to fall into the mattress. Our lips parted for only a second as she giggled. The sound was like music to my ears, causing me to smirk too. The sound made her seem even more innocent as I positioned myself back over her on the bed. I pressed long, gentle kisses over every inch of her face, removing the hair bobble from her hair with one hand, the other tightening my towel around my waist. Her soft brunette hair flowed out, fanning out above her head, encasing her like a halo. Tiny droplets of water from my hair dropped onto her body, causing her to writhe underneath me. I dipped my head into the crease of her neck, my lips attaching themselves to her skin. Moving around, Summer gasped suddenly every time I reached a certain spot on her neck. I smirked at my new found torture. 

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