Chapter 9

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So many people keep saying I forgot Joe.

I did not forget Joe. I began writing this after PlayList Live in 2013. Joe did not attend in 2013.

Thank you :3 

*Summer's POV * 

I gave Caspar a cheeky wink and looked away. He was by himself, collecting his bags, when I heard loud male shouts and cheers. What the hell? I turned and saw two boys, who looked extremely similar, engulfing Caspar in a huge, bear hug. I couldn't help but giggle at their friendship. The smile on my face faltered as the two boys released Caspar and turned to face me. Oh God. Hmm...They're actually rather attractive...WHAT IS IT WITH MALE YOUTUBERS BEING SO ATTRACTIVE?! Hang on...they're still looking at me....and they're smiling? What...

"Urm...hi." I said, my voice quieter than expected.

"Hiiii!" they both said in sync.

"That was creepy..." shoot did I say that out loud?! Oh God, way to make a first impression Summer.

"Yeah, sorry about that. We do that sometimes, can't help it!" one of them said. I took in his appearance; red checkered shirt, skinny jeans, converse and a beanie. He stuck his hand out to me and I took it.

"I'm Jack, by the way. And you must be Summer...Marcus' cousin, right?" 

"That's me!" I said, still smiling. I turned to the other boy who looked the same as Jack. "So, if he's Jack, then you must be..."

"Finn." I could already tell he was a little more shy than Jack. He was wearing light brown chinos and a t-shirt that had a cupcake skull and cross bones on it.

"Nice shirt." I pointed. He laughed.

"Thanks." a shy smile appeared on his face. Awh. He's adorable.

"IT'S A MUFFIN. GET IT? MU-FINN. HIS NAME'S FINN!" Jack's voice screeched in my ear.

"Yeah, I get it! Very original." I winked. I felt a strong arm wrap around my waist, before looking up and seeing Alfie's beaming face. "Well hey there, Deyes."

"Alright, Butler?" he smirked that damn smirk that makes my knees weak. God, I could just melt right on the spot. Jack and Finn gave us both a weird look, before suddenly breaking into beaming smiles.

"Let's get all the stuff in the car and head to the hotel then...FLORIDA HERE WE COME!" Jack said.

"WOOHOOO!" we all cheered along. Alfie kept his arm around me as we walked towards the car. Jack was driving, Finn was riding shotgun. I was sat next to Marcus and Alfie and Caspar were in the very back. I was still absolutely shattered, so I laid my head onto Marcus' shoulder and snuggled into his warmth. Yes, I know what your thinking, it's a bit weird to be acting like this towards my cousin, but me and Marcus are that close, it doesn't really matter! I felt his check vibrate in a chuckle as he placed his beanie back onto my head and rested his head on top of mine. I was just drift towards a sweet dream when a familiar tune came on the radio. 

"OH MY GOD GUYS THIS IS MY JAM." I screamed, jumping away from Marcus. I shut my eyes and just let myself go with the music.

"EVERYBODY WANTS TO KNOW HER NA-EA-EA-EAAME. I THREW A HOUSE PARTY AND SHE CA-EA-EA-EAAME. EVERYONE ASKS ME. WHO THE HELL IS SHE? THAT WEIRDO WITH FIVE COLOURS IN HER HAIR."  I sang my heart out, McFly were my childhood band! I opened my eyes from my dramatic rendition of 'Five Colours in Her Hair' to 5 pairs of eyes staring at me with amusement. I looked behind to find Caspar and Alfie laughing their heads off at me and Marcus was trying not to laugh, but failing.

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