Chapter 30

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* Summer's POV *

The kettle clicked signalling to me it had boiled. I picked it up, pouring two hot coffees. I walked over to the bed, placing one drink on the bedside table and the other in the hands of my hysterical older sister. We'd caught a taxi back to the hotel as soon as possible abandoning everyone else - especially Dylan.

"So, tell me again what happened." I asked softly, placing my arm around her shoulders and pulling her close. She sniffed loudly, pulling herself together before she began speaking.

"I-I went to the-the bathroom to you know, pee and when I came back," she sniffed again, "they were talking on-on the sofa as before, but as I walked closer they both.....they both lent in and-and" she broke out into full sobs again, spilling the coffee on the bed. Her voice croaked as she tried to apologise.

"Hey, hey don't worry. You don't need him." I reassured her.

"YES I DO. I NEED HIM SUMMER. I HAVEN'T SPENT 6 YEARS OF MY LIFE ON HIM FOR NOTHING. I LOVE HIM SUMMER I LOVE HIM SO MUCH, BUT I FUCKING HATE HIM RIGHT NOW." She yelled. I could see how much this was tearing her apart. Dylan and Olivia were high school sweethearts. They have always been so close, but now, now it's all going to change. I flinched at her sudden raise of voice. 

"I know you do Liv, I know. But maybe this is for the best, maybe-" I was cut off by a heart shattering scream and a smash. Olivia had thrown the cup of coffee at the wardrobe, causing it to shatter into pieces. Her knees dropped to the floor in defeat. I ran over, scooping as much of her as I could into my arms and holding her close. Her sobs we becoming louder, tears freely streaming down her face.

"Shh, shh, okay. It's okay." I whispered, stroking my fingers through her hair. I felt a tear escape my eye, it hurt so bad to see my sister like this. She doesn't deserve it. 

"Why? Why does he have to be such asshole?!" she asked, her voice cracking on every word. 

"Because he's a guy." I said matter of factly. I heard a small breathy laugh escape her mouth.

"Good point." I held her close, calming her. 

"Liv?! OLIVIA ARE YOU IN THERE?!" Dylan's voice came from behind the door, his fist creating a loud bang on the wood. "OLIVIA PLEASE, LET ME EXPLAIN!"

I immediately felt her tense up beneath me. 

"FUCK OFF!" she yelled back.

"PLEASE....please. Just...just talk to me." 


The banging continued. Olivia moved out of my arms and stormed over to the door, flinging it open. 


"Please just give me a chance to explain!"

"Explain what?! How you're a lying, cheating pig?!" She stepped away from the door, obviously not wanting to be any closer to him than required. I felt so awkward and heart broken that I couldn't just stand there and do nothing. I stormed over, separating them.

"You." I said, grabbing Dylan's wrist. "You're coming with me." I pulled him away from the door and away from my sister. 

"You want to explain yourself?! How could you do this?!" I spoke angrily, shoving his chest.

"Listen, Summer. It's not what it looks like! I know Olivia doesn't want to talk to me right now but please. Will you listen?" He pleaded, looking me straight in the eye with pure sincerity. I knew he wouldn't lie to me.


* Caspar's POV *

Summer had left with a crying Olivia leaving the rest of us in the building. I explained to Marcus the situation, but no one else. I had told them Summer wasn't feeling too well. But I missed her. 

C: Is everything okay? Where are you? xx

I sat down on the sofa next to Zoe and waited for some reassurance. A reply came almost immediately.

S: Things could be better. I'm with Dylan atm. He explained everything. xx

C: What did he say? xx

S: That Emily came on to him and he pushed her away immediately. xx

C: Do you believe him? xx

S: I don't know. :/ I need to talk to Olivia, I'll call you as soon as I'm done? xx

C: Okay, stay safe. xx

I debated whether or not to put 'love you' on the end, but decided against it. I didn't want to put too much pressure on her, not at a time like this. I haven't even asked her to be my girlfriend yet. There are just too many things getting in the way. The distance, Marcus, our viewers. It would be difficult. We waited around to be told we could leave before piling into the vans and heading back to the hotel. It was a comfortable silence, nothing awkward, as we walked through the entrance and into the lifts. We said goodbye to the girls and all travelled up to Marcus' room. 

As we exited the lift, I noticed a body crouched down on the floor outside their room. Dylan.

"You little..." Marcus spat, storming up to him and pulling him up by his collar.

"You think you're clever? Huh? You think you can go around fucking with my family like that?!" he spat in Dylan's face. 

"Marcus, that's enough!" Alfie and I yelled, pulling him away and releasing his grip. I could feel his arm shaking in anger as I gripped it. 

"No! He deserves to-" he was cut off by a small voice from the door.

"Dylan?" Olivia whispered. He immediately turned to her voice.

"Olivia, baby I'm so-"

"Can you guys give us a minute?" she asked, looking towards us.

"Sure, sure." We all nodded, heading separate ways. I headed into Summer's room to check on her, shutting the door behind me.

"Hey." she breathed, walking over and embracing my waist.

"Hey." I replied, cupping her head to my chest. We stayed there like that for a while. My chin was rested on top of her head, inhaling the sweet scent of her shampoo. 

"You feeling okay?" I asked. She groaned into my chest, causing me to laugh slightly.

"This trip feels like such a disaster....but one good thing has come out of it." She replied, moving her head to look at me.

"Oh, and what's that?" I asked.

"You." she replied, pressing her lips to mine before I had a chance to reply. I immediately responded, moving my mouth against hers. I felt her muscles relax in my hold, my hand weaving it's way into her hair. I pulled away pressing my forehead to hers but not before I placed a sweet kiss there.

"We have the day off tomorrow. I'm thinking you, me, candy floss and a trip to Disney world?"

"REALLY?!" she squealed, pulling away to check my face for an signs of joking.


"Oh my God oh my God oh my God!" she cheered. "You're the best."



Hope you enjoyed this chapter :3 

I love you all more than Louise loves glitter.

No seriously. I do.

- Jazz - x

Twitter: @handsupforliam


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