> Maehara Hiroto <

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"(Y/N)~! I've been waiting so long! How was your morning, did you miss me? I missed you so much!"

Every morning was the same. Maehara Hiroto ran straight at you as soon as he caught a glimpse of your hesitant and displease face. He would try touching you wherever of whenever he could and you knew he only continued because of the bright red blush on your face. He would put his arm around your neck, grab your hands and pet your head, it made you uncomfortable when you realised you actually enjoyed it but that was only because you were getting attention- you tended to be quite selfish when it came to affection from another person.

The fact that it was Maehara giving it to you was the downside because everybody in E-Class knew how much of a ladies man he was. Unlike his best friend who was the complete opposite of him. His looks made the whole 'womanising' play even easier though because damn... He was hot.

You walked past him anyway because of those stupid puppy eyes he gave you, it made you knees weak honestly but you were not, and I repeat, not going to fall for that. You despised the thought of dating a boy who had been with so many other girls only to throw them away when the next beauty came waltzing along.

You were not going to be another name and forgotten face on his list especially when you had to see him everyday. Hence why you had to ignore the obvious butterflies in your stomach because this would surely end in disaster, "Hey! Are you ignoring me? Did I do something wrong?"

You kept walking, keep your face impassive as you kept your stare to the ground. You refused to be humiliated by becoming his next target, "Isogai, does she look upset to you? She totally ignored me!" He pouted to the ikemen.

Isogai watched you with saddened eyes, "Maybe she's just upset over something, I'm sure she'd tell us if something was wrong, right?"

The bell went and you placed your pen and notebook on the desk to wait until Koro-Sensei came from whatever country he had visited in the span of not even an hour. You jumped when two arms wrapped around your upper chest from behind, feeling a chin rest on top of you head was when you almost fainted from butterflies and chills on every spot he touched.

You felt the vibration of his chuckling and you couldn't move, "Hey.. So you would tell us if something was wrong right?"

You closed your eyes in irritation and opened your mouth, "Yes Maehara- whatever just get off of me."

"Huh, why? I'm sure you wouldn't want me to see your blushing face, am I right?"

Anger bubbled up inside you at yourself and at Hiroto. You couldn't help but quietly agree with him, "Hey wanna go on a date after school?"

He spoke so casually as if that sentence had been spoken so many times before, you couldnt help your next actions as you forcefully shoved the chair to scrape against the wooden floor, knocking Maehara backwards emitting a surprised yelp from him. Your eyes narrowed as your fists clenched as well, "Like hell I would do that with you! Leave me alone!"

"Did you get that?"

"Of course I did."

You turned quickly, eyes widening at the sight of Nakamura and Karma exchanging photos of both Maehara and yourself from when he had been basically hugging you from behind. Shocked and angered, you gasped and sucked in a breath to yell at the two devils before a certain yellow octopus stormed in the class dress in a pair of board shorts with a shirt that had a blue flag and a kangaroo plushie.

"I must say the weather on Bondi Beach is so refreshing!"

You sat down and engulfed yourself in the annoyance and displeasure you felt towards everything, emitting a menacing aura that had the others students also cautiously going to their seats.

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