Unspoken Plan > Gajeel Redfox <

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All it took was two smart little Exceeds.

(E/N) - Exceed Name
(D/T) - Dragon Slayer Type


You hadn't been in Fairy tail for that long, it was only just before Phantom Lord fought against your current guild when you joined. You were relatively new when Gajeel Redfox and Juvia Lockser became apart of the guild after their defeat.

You felt bad for them but you also admired them in a way. It seemed as if they had underestimated their enemy, lost the battle and now they dealt with the consequences- you only hoped they wouldn't feel like they had an obligation of some sort to be here. They made you feel better because now you didn't feel so alone, though Natsu also made sure of that because the two of you had something in common.

Dragon Slayers.

The both of you, three of you now because of Gajeel were all dragon slayers and now your exceed (E/N) could finally have some friends. You were a (D/T) and just like yourself, (E/N) was quite shy when it came to other people. You had never met another Dragon Slayer so when you stumbled across the fire breather named Natsu, you were beyond surprised. (E/N) was also surprised, shocked and happy for you because she knew of how lonely you tended to be, even when you were accompanied by her.

She didn't feel bad or neglected for it, she only understood and tried to cheer you up in any way possible, after all, she also felt the same way herself sometimes. But in the end the both of you knew you always had each other and so you welcomed your new guild together and with opened arms.

At first Gajeel seemed so cold and he slightly scared you, not that you would say it out loud. You would mostly try to steer clear of the iron Dragon Slayer and stay out of his way, as did your Exceed but then again he also intrigued you. You didn't like it at all but you always found yourself analysing the man as if you were trying to read him. If that was the case, he was definitely a closed book chained shut with a padlock.

The lack of socialising and emotions made you worried for a while, he looked lonely and you hated the feeling so you found yourself thinking of all the possibilities that could occur if you were to approach him. The thought seemed like a positive idea but the thought of humiliation and rejection shut you down- along with your already naturally- deflated ego.

But it was okay, because after that and after the trouble the guild was forced to endure in Edolas, Gajeel had obtained his very own exceed; Panther Lily, or for short; Lily.
In your opinion, the exceed was a very cute little black Panther though he had a deep and authoritative voice. He rendered you astonished when he was able to transform human size, making him a lot more stronger but only for short periods of time.

You were also astonished to see (E/N) taking a liking towards Lily. (E/N) seemed completely awestruck by Lily; his looks, his actions and his way of thinking- everything seemed to entice your Exceed until she couldn't take it and spoke to him. You would watch as the two conversed, your mouth dropping open when you watched Lily growing flustered at the sight of (E/N), you almost squealed in delight when you watched them together.

Days turned into weeks that passed and you didn't know if your mind was playing tricks on you but Gajeel seemed to be getting nearer and nearer every time you sat alone at a table to watch Lily and (E/N) converse and even flirt.
You almost laughed when you took a glance at Gajeel to see his own jaw dropped as well. He probably thought Lily was tougher, disregarding your own Exceed but you knew that everyone would have that special someone, just because they were exceeds didn't mean they couldn't have someone.

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