Cinderella - ish > Levi Ackerman <

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It wasn't as expected.

Italics - Flashbacks


Ever since you were a child, you always believed that you were going to get that happily ever after. Just like in the bedtime stories, your mother would tell you before you went to sleep about a prince saving you from the titans. You had no idea why you wanted it so bad but it just seemed normal.

The prince was always so handsome, chivalrous and absolutely dashing with his natural swooning personality that would have any girl melting on the inside. You had grown a habit; bad or not, of daydreaming as you stared into nothing, visualising your own future husband in your mind.

You had already planned your meeting, the look in his eyes as the raked your formed from head to toe, your first date and everything that occurred after that. It was cliché and the stories were entirely misleading because you already knew it wasn't possible to find someone so devoted and perfect but your mind would still wander.

It was also very tricky to find a person who could be with you when you were in the military because of the man-eating titans who roamed the earth's surface. Those damned monsters were getting in the way of your plans and hence why you had joined the Survey Corps. You didn't exclusively join the Survey Corps just because the titans were ruining your plans; obviously. But because they had ruined so many lives, taken quadrupled and served no purpose for existing.

Titans did nothing but murder, they were savages who you absolutely despised and so you wanted to do something about it instead of waiting idly to be mauled to death. That was not going to be your way to go.

Your morals, beliefs and purpose had driven you to get a lot more kills in the military than a lot of the other soldiers. When people froze at the sight of those naked beasts, that was when you sprung into actions, effectively slicing the back of their necks and that also caught the attention of Commander Erwin Smith and Captain Levi Ackerman.

The men were kind, or the Commander was whilst Levi was impassive the whole time. The Captain had an aura that exclaimed superiority and that didn't sit well with you. He annoyed you but when you were consistently irked by this man, that also meant that you were thinking about him much more than intended. He was revolving throughout your mind all the time, damn it was annoying.

Nevertheless, the quick and effective skill you possessed of the 3DMG had earned you a spot in Captain Levi's squad; the Special Operations Unit with Petra Ral, Eld Jinn, Gunther Schultz and Oluo Bozado. You were nervous, you had every right to be but the status, squad nor title didn't mean much to you and hence why you annoyed your Captain so much,

"Levi, I don't wanna clean."

The man glared but failed to appear menacing when wearing a white bandana over his neat, dark hair. You smiled and he deflated slightly as he only let out a, "Tch brat," before turning to wipe the window clean for the third time.

Levi slowly learned to deal with your stubborn nature and adapted, you knew he couldn't really argue with you because of your contribution to the squad. You irritated him, yes, but you also respected him outside the walls, following commands without hesitation. As much as you hated to admit it, you really admired Levi.

By this point your Cinderella ending was a metaphorical person being eaten by an ugly abnormal.
In the mess hall the Commander grew quite surprised when Levi ordered you to sit by him, you made no objections when feeling some foreign emotions in your stomach, "Brat, get over here now."

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