Promise > Alphonse Elric <

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Alphonse keeps his promise for the girl he loves.


You, Edward and Alphonse were the three musketeers ever since you were a little kid. It was always you three together no matter what, you couldn't imagine doing anything without each other and wherever you guys went, you were always attached at the hip.

You loved your strong bond you had with the two brothers, when you were little kids you and the blondes liked to believe you could read each others minds and communicate telepathically.

You were the same age as Alphonse, with Edward and Winry being one year older than the two of you. That always made you and Alphonse closer somehow, maybe because Edward took it upon himself to help and guide his younger brother- so he helped and guided you too.

When you were young, a few years before Trisha Elric died- you always wanted to be near Alphonse. You wanted to always be in his presence or have him in your vision all the time. When you had nightmares, you would silently crawl into his bed- he grew used to it and simply hugged you tighter into his warm body.

When you were happy for some reason, like when you learned how the transmute your first wooden doll, or even when you watched the full moon light up the whole sky, that happiness was always shared with Alphonse; and it was even better because he was always there, right beside you to share the smile on your face.

When you became sad, like maybe when Edward playfully teased you because you did or liked something different, or maybe when you got in trouble with Granny Pinako for doing something wrong; Alphonse was always there to defend you or take the blame - your frown brought a frown to his face, he always thought that a pretty and special girl like you never deserved to be sad.

He was always determined to keep that beautiful and unique smile on your face and he always wanted to be there with you to make sure that happened.

Therefore this strong connection you had with Alphonse- this unexplainable bond made you wonder just how much you really cared for the younger Elric. He was like your brother; maybe even your twin, but he was also your bestest friend- You loved him unconditionally.

Then it happened, Trisha had died from an awful epidemic and without you knowing; because Al was worried about your safety, he and his older brother attempted the forbidden taboo - trying to bring Trisha back to life.

Her death brought you great grief but you thought it was slightly better than to having to watch her suffer in pain everyday- you liked to think she was happy and in peace, always watching over you and the Elric brothers.

Alphonse was only ten years old for crying out loud, with Edward being eleven. Alphonse lost his whole body with Edward losing his leg; with his arm gone too, bringing his brother back to him in the form of a metal armoured suit.

You were so devastated and wanted to scream and yell at them for being so stupid and selfish as to try and do such a thing- their determination and courage was definitely inspiring but you couldn't bring yourself to utter a single word.

So you did what you always did best; you helped them- physically and mentally. You gave them reasons to fight and not to give up trying to get back their bodies. You knew they could, they just needed the right training and someone to always make them keep going. You did it for them, but also for yourself- the thought of never being able to see Alphonse's beautiful light brown eyes or never being able to feel his warmth at night or see the way his big eyes scrunched up slightly when he smiled broke your heart everyday.

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