Interruption > Kaneki Ken <

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Best friends make obvious lovers.

(F/B) - Favourite Breed.

(E/C) - Eye Colour


"Kaneki-Chan! I'm so bored!" You whined from your spot on the floor in your apartment with Kaneki who was seated comfortably on the single love-seat by the window. The way the midday sunlight was shining upon him caused you to openly stare but you couldn't help it when the one you were staring at was your best friend; Kaneki Ken.

The boy looked up at you after a short while when you became silent from your obvious ogling. His cheeks became a faint pink colour when he noticed you but answered nonetheless as he placed his bookmark into the book that he had in his grip.

"Well what would you like to do, (Y/N)- Chan?" His sweet voice filled the void and you smiled when you thought about everything you could do with him.

"Well Kaneki.. -Uh Huh! We need to go now!" You exclaimed as you wildly jumped from your position on the ground to run into your bedroom and grab your shoes. Kaneki hadn't moved but gasped lightly when he watched you speed right at him, his book now fallen on the floor, to grab his hand and lead him right out of the door without a say.

Out of the apartment building now, Kaneki and yourself held hands as you walked through the streets of Tokyo. You were totally oblivious to the stares and smiles received but Kaneki only embarrassedly avoided them and focused on getting rid of the blush when you wrapped one arm around his forearm as the other was tightly gripping his hand.

"Uh- Wh-where are we going (Y/N)-Chan?" The tall boy asked beside you. You smiled at the sound of his soft voice when he stuttered slightly. You always loved being overly-affectionate towards Kaneki because his reactions were absolutely adorable and it was even better because he never rejected your actions.
You looked up the boy and only smiled wider when you saw that he was avoiding your gaze so you wouldn't catch the rosy tint on his face and snuggled into him further which made him feel all sorts of warm and flustered on the inside.

"You'll see Ken-Chan, patience is key." You giggled out.
Kaneki grew another fifty shades of red at the intimate nickname but revelled in the way your smooth voice spoke to him. He chuckled nervously at the sight of people staring but only held your hand tighter for reassurance. Kaneki had grown used to your constant child-like behaviour and grew to adore that about you, ever since the two of you were kids you had always been so open with affection and smiles and Kaneki couldn't help but cling onto that light you gave him.

It was like his life was so dark but you were the constant light at the end of the tunnel. It also helped when he found out that his other best friend; Hideyoshi, claimed that he harboured no feelings beyond platonic ones for you. The thought made him happy because he knew he wouldn't get hurt- unless you rejected him but that's different.

You continued to watch and observe everything you passed, unconsciously squeezing Kaneki's hand every few minutes just so you could feel the way his dainty fingers tightened around yours. Every time this happened, Kaneki would take a nervous glimpse at your face to observe what type of expression you held but all he saw was smiles- not that he would have it any other way but he also wanted to know if you held in the same type of feelings that he did for you.

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