In Love > Alphonse Elric <

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What's the difference between Love and being In Love?

(B/N) - Boyfriend's Name.

(H/C) - Hair Colour.

Warning; Degradation 


How long had it been, three? No four months since you last saw that boy. He wouldn't leave your mind and you felt partially guilty about it but he made you feel so.. alive. He was only reduced to a suit of metal armour standing about seven feet tall but he was so kind and gentle, especially to you.

His brother was funny and assertive but this boy you met, he was so shy and introverted. He was smart too and his voice, hollow and echoey as it was, sounded so mellow and sweet. He was very caring towards you and it felt so foreign and unusual to you. You thought you almost scared him by the way you reacted towards his simple tenderness and you didn't know what to do.

You were simply not used to that type of nice behaviour, as ashamed as you were to admit it. How long had you been dating (B/N) now? Almost two and a half years. It seemed so long, two and a half years in a relationship with (B/N) and no one else because you had managed to capture his heart. But had he gotten a hold of yours? Sometimes you weren't sure anymore, but whenever people asked if you loved him, you only said yes- no hesistation nor questions asked. It was an automatic repsonse but ever since meeting Alphonse Elric, you started to really ponder your surroundings.

Sometimes you wondered if you only temporarily liked Alphonse because he was so nice to you and the thought of having someone else like you, excited you, it made you feel somewhat special- something you hadn't felt in a long while. Sometimes it seemed like (B/N) didn't really care anymore and anything he did that would upset you, he thought he could only say "Sorry, I love you." and it was over, done and dusted.

But that wasn't it at all, you knew it was wrong and you knew you deserved to be treated better. But that thought also scared you, what if you had nothing better? What if this was all you would get and you had to continue this.. Monotonous lifestyle and relationship forever?

This terrified you. You didn't want that but what would you do if you were alone? Loneliness sounded worse to you but then Alphonse and Edward came along. It was like a sign, or maybe just a metaphorical kick in the face delivered by life itself. You remembered your encounter as clear as day and you would do anything to go back and do it again if it meant having the chance to speak to Alphonse again.

- Four Months Ago -

"Babe hurry up, this is boring." (B/N) grumbled as he tightened his hold on your arm. You winced at the feeling of his fingers gripping your skin but you continued nonetheless, submitting to his words without argument even though you knew that he knew this way your favourite store in the street.

He continued to drag you through the busy street in the heart of Amestris; the Central Command Centre and you almost tripped because of his speed. It was the middle of the day and (B/N) was bored, earlier you had to get out of your home because of how scared you were when he threw himself on you as he planted sloppy kisses to your neck. You were frozen, whimpers escaping your mouth before you finally slapped him away. He saw no error in his actions and he completely disregarded you when you opt to get out of the house so that wouldn't happen again.

You saw multiple attractive girls waving at him with what could've been hearts in their eyes but he only avoided eye contact as he held an emotionless face. You didn't want to say anything so you could avoid being yelled at in public. You loved him though. You loved him.

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