Lost But Found > Gray Fullbuster <

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Gray saves you from your darkness.


You had finally made it, after all the walking and travelling and after all of the blood, sweat and tears - you made it to your new home; Magnolia.

You didn't know what drove you to fight against your exhaustion and procrastination but you knew you had to find the Fairy Tail guild.

After finding a crinkled issue of a recently printed Sorcerers Weekly, the bright coloured pages and excessive amounts of the magazine found in the town peaked your curiosity.
You quickly grabbed the magazine from the trashcan and sped to find a seat at a vacant bench in the park. You read through the magazine to find so much information about an amazing looking guild where they all looked happy and fun.

You knew then that for you to be able to feel safer and have a bigger purpose, you had to reach the guild. No matter how many times you almost gave up or almost lost the battle with the freezing nights, you knew you could make it because of what Mikazuki and Ur had taught you.

You remember when you were younger and you had met Ur, she became your mentor and almost a motherly like figure- she and Lyon had found you after you were looking for Mikazuki- the Ice Dragon that had taught you all about Ice Dragon Slayer Magic.

Mikazuki took you in when you were only a toddler, she took care of you and treated you like a princess, she made you feel loved but it all crumbled away when she disappeared mysteriously. It scared you and you searched for her everyday while talking to yourself, your mind convincing you that she hadn't left you but your heart already knew the cold hard truth.

For whatever reason the Dragon considered justified, she had left you alone in the coldness that you had grown accustomed to. She never returned and said nothing about her absence. It broke you; mentally and physically but you knew she wouldn't want you to give up.

Years passed and Ur came to your rescue shortly after. Lyon and herself welcomed you with open arms though the grey haired boy seemed a tad bit envious of you and your impressive Ice make skills. Ur enjoyed your company and vice versa, she found you practicing skills in the new town you were residing in, the townspeople were kind and loved your magic. They were all astounded at your Dragon Slayer magic and you felt so accepted- it made you feel as though Mikazuki left you for this, a real family with real people. Though secretly you always knew that Mikazuki would always be what you needed.

It was all so amazing, people in the town never caught you without a smile on your face,

Until that day arrived. It was just a normal day and you were making Ice figurines for the little children by the towns square central fountain. You smiled at the cheerful sounds of their laughter and it only grew when you witnessed the proud smile their parents wore on their faces.

But it all stopped, you remembered that day so clearly- after having the same nightmares on repeat every night, sometimes even during the day. It was as if time had paused and people had gone silent, you could smell something feral approaching but before you could investigate a huge monstrous roar erupted throughout the village. From one second to the next, fire began spreading from home to home and you could only watch in horror as the legendary and infamous Deliorah caused major havoc throughout your home.

You remembered how you couldn't stop crying and your frightened state didn't allow your attacks to be as strong. After witnessing all of those people who you considered family, die a terrible and painful death, it froze your cold heart. Then the sun hid below the horizon and the moon came out, shining upon the destroyed city and you heard commotion as you hid like a pathetic coward.

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