Oblivious > Saitama - OPM <

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In which Saitama is so god damn oblivious.
One Punch Man


"Saitama-san, wo-would you like to g-go out?" You asked your shirt-less bald friend who was currently reading some manga on the floor.

"Eh?" The said man looked up at you with a bored expression, as you knocked him out of his zone, reading the Japanese literature.

"Uh.. Okay?" He answered in a question, before lazily getting up and throwing a crumpled shirt on that was found on the ground in his apartment. You blushed profusely at the sight of your friends chiseled torso and ripped abs before quickly looking away and rushing back into the kitchen where a puzzled Saitama followed you, "Eh? You okay (Y/N)?"

"Y-yeah, uh.. Where do y-you want to go?" You asked, grabbing your purse and a jacket, walking out the door into the cool breeze as the sun began to set.

"Uh, I dunno- I'm sort of hungry, I feel like dim sims, maybe noodles." He muttered as he glanced around at the people he passed by.

"Right, of course." You muttered as you turned the corner to go to the little restaurant.

"So! Uh.. Sai, Do you like anyone- I-I mean you don't have to tell me, I guess."

"Eh.. I don't know, I guess I like you? You're my friend, right?" Saitama replied as he glanced at you timidly before looking towards the restaurant with a faint blush on his cheeks.

"Right!" You chirped with faked enthusiasm that shocked Saitama before you continued, "Friends, right! Just friends, always f-friends."

Saitama watched you with his hands planted in his pockets by his sides. Eyes wide, and his eyebrows high on his forehead, and his mouth open in question.

"Are you okay, (Y/N)-chan?"

"Huh, Wha- Oh! Yeah, I'm just dandy!" You exploded, rushing off into the restaurant that now stood in front of you, lighting up your faces, making you able to see the confused look on Saitama's face.

You dashed inside and sat at a table, skimming through the menu in anger and annoyance.
Three years ago, right when Saitama became a hero he had befriended you when he saved you from a man who was half a crab and had nipples drawn on him with permanent marker. You nearly became collateral damage as the crab man nearly wiped you out of the way before Saitama swooped in and saved you.

As repayment for having him save your life, you made a deal with him- you move in with him; seeing as you weren't doing so well on your own, and you would cook for him. He obviously agreed so he wouldn't have to attempt to cook whatever he thought would be the easiest. After you had moved in and gotten settled- you had found yourself falling for him, his obliviousness made him seem so adorable and his body was just a plus.  He was so kind and always thought about you, making sure you were okay.

A voice knocked you out of your day dreaming as you looked up to see the emotionless face of Saitama. He watched you, before sighing and taking a seat infront of you across the table. Neither of you spoke as you looked around the restaurant admiring all the smells and the lack of noisy people.

A waiter lazily aproached you and asked what you would like, writing down your orders before walking away. You awkwardly looked around before looking in front of you to meet Saitama's eyes.

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