Jealous? > Roy Mustang <

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In which Roy feels a bit green.


You skipped through the halls of Central Command, with your presence required there immediately so you could finally meet the Elric brothers that you had heard the Colonel speaking about.

People waved and smiled at you, they greeted you as you finally made it to the double doors where you faintly heard the husky voice of Roy Mustang.

People often said that Roy was quite fond of you, he even asked for your advice sometimes and needed you to tell him to keep trying to pursue his goals. He knew he always wanted to become Fuhrer but you gave him that extra shove and knocked him in the right direction.

You were like his right hand man- other than his First Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye, but you liked to consider yourself his best friend. He was yours after all.

Walking straight into the room, it became silent as you watched a small blond boy with a red cape sitting on a sofa that was placed in the far end of the room- giving him a full view of the town out the window. In front of the door where the couches and table was, there was a suit of armour seated who was facing a now standing Roy Mustang and next to him sat Riza Hawkeye.

With a small turn of his head, the blonde boy watched you watching him like he should be six feet under ground and you could practically feel the way Roy tensed at your glare.

"Move. Now FullMetal" Roy's serious voice broke the silence the as man watched you with no emotion. He knew that sofa was yours and yours only.

"Now, now Mustang- I want to meet this Fullmetal Alchemist." You playfully spoke, dancing your way over to the blonde boy who watched you in confusion.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Edward!" Mustang yelled- scolding this 'Edward' to defend you, Roy knew of your ways to act before thinking and Edward's question definitely brought that evil smirk to your face.

"Why, Edward, I am the Freezing Alchemist, It's a pleasure to.. Freeze You!" You replied, chirping the ending as your gloved hand grabbed his- automatically freezing his flesh arm all the way up to his shoulders in a split second.

The armoured suit stood quickly, yelling out for his brother, alarmed at the powers of the new State Alchemist they had just met - and now they knew not to get on your bad side.

Meanwhile Roy just sighed, pinching his nose while facing the ground- mumbling incoherent curses at your childish behaviour. He couldn't deny that it always managed to bring a small smirk to his face though.

Edward yelped out loud- trying to back away as his face seemed to turn blue at the coldness. He stared at you in bewilderment before he non-verbally begged you to melt the ice. You moved your other gloved hand that was still by your side and put into onto the iced arm- having it melt immediately as everyone watched the ice turn to water, drip onto the floor and suddenly move to your feet like a sponge collecting it.

"Couple degrees lower and you would've lost the arm, Elric" You winked as he hastily moved, trying to get away from you.

After hearing two gasps come from the Elric brothers, Riza spoke up as you shoved Ed's butt out of the way so you could lay down on it for yourself, "Are you done (Y/N)?"

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