Bet > Jean Havoc <

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Jean loves Mustang's mischievous thinking.

(btw this is probably my favourite funny scene in FMA)


"Aye (Y/N), How about another round?"

"Alright, whatcha got for me?"

Roy Mustang asked you with a mysterious smirk on his face. You loved making bets with him because of how boring it gets at work- but also to see what the winner gets. It's all usually small but hilarious things like how last week you made a bet stating you could withstand the longest time with Mae Hughes blabbing on non-stop about his daughter.

You gracefully won that round and your prize was having Roy pay for a full body massage treatment- with extra nail and hair procedures too. The loser; Roy, as punishment had to stay with Hughes for a whole two days listening to him talk about how amazing Elicia and Gracia are.

This time he watched as you got up from your seat in his office and sauntered your way over to him- grinning at the thought of having more fun with your best friend. He leaned over on his desk and crossed his arms together with a brow raised in a playful manner.

You gestured for him to continue and you listened with opened ears and a grin on your face.

"I bet you, that I can find a date first by the end of today."

Your brow rose in question- pondering the bet and before you could ask, Roy already beat you to it.

"If I win- you are my personal slave and will do whatever I want, whenever you want."

You chucked at his answer while thinking about how conceited the Colonel was, just like he was in all of the bet's he proposed. You leaned over onto the desk and switched your weight to your other foot.

"Alright, Alright cocky Colonel- what do I get when I win?" You replied- emphasising the 'when.' The Colonel simply chuckled again, rubbing his chin in thought before he finally snapped his fingers in your directions. You would've been half way out the door if he did that with his gloves on.

"Yes! If, and I mean If- you win, You will become the unofficial Colonel for a whole week. Oh, and there are no rules- just like usual."

You beamed in happiness and clapped your hands in glee. Every time you had gotten caught trying to sit in the Colonel's chair he just happened to pop up out of nowhere and scare you- causing you too jump and fall onto the floor. You smiled evilly, thinking about all of the new things you could do when you would be sitting in that chair and ordering people around.

You extended your arm out while the Colonel stared at it, smiling as he also reached his arm out to seal the bet.

- Time Skip -

After three hours you now had no idea where Roy Mustang was but you guessed he was a some random bar with some sleazy girls so that he could use his smooth moves on them.

During that time you had been getting dolled up and making yourself look just about irresistible enough to score you a date but very surprisingly enough and quite sad for your ego- some guys had actually turned you down!

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