Soul Mates > Natsu Dragneel <

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In which two halves of a soul reunite as one whole.


Living in the outskirts of Magnolia sure didn't help your quest to find your soulmate.

You weren't desperate per say, but you were eager to find the one that you were going to spend the rest of your life with. Your adoptive father, Igneel of three years told you all about soul mates- as well as teaching you all about fire dragon slayer magic.

You loved Igneel, even if it was short lived when he suddenly disappeared- but you wouldn't let that hold you down. You were thirteen when he found you lost and homeless, three years later when you were sixteen he just up and disappeared- you were sad, thinking you had done something but he was already gone and so you had to move on. At least you had your exceed; a small, grey panther named Ruby- she also had a red tip on her tail so you loved the name.

Igneel also told you how he had found his soulmate and the feeling, you knew you wanted that feeling of being complete and happy. You didn't know what happened to Igneel concerning his soul mate and you never asked either; not wanting to bring up any bad memories by the look in his eyes. You only enjoy the smile he had and the love in his eyes when he spoke of the good things.

Now two years later, as an eighteen year old, Ruby and yourself were walking; Well technically Ruby was flying, into the town of Magnolia hoping to try your luck with a guild, your powers have definitely expanded so you thought you had a good chance of fitting in.

In the busy side of the cute town you walked into some small stores, buying small fruits to eat and asking directions to a nearby guild. Couples walked by hand in hand with their soul mates and you smiled at the sight of the people sharing their love with each other with matching tattoos. Sure it made you happy that others had found their loves but that also reminded you of how you haven't found yours.

Ruby noticed the sudden sour look on your face, unsure if it was the fruit you had just brought or the soul mates thing, she thought the latter.

"Relax (Y/N), Everyone finds their soulmate, yours is bound to come- I can feel it in my bones!"

You rolled your eyes and took another bite out of the sweet apple in your hand. Walking in the direction the people told you, you glanced at Ruby in response before you found yourself in front of a temple-like building stating 'FAIRY TAIL' in large purple writing.

"Well we found it easier than I thought." You told your exceed- she was your best friend, having raised her when you found her egg abandoned. You always liked to think it was a parting gift from Igneel, so you wouldn't be alone. The thought always brought a smile to your face.

"Well then what are we waiting for!" Ruby chirped before flying straight into the guild, busting the doors open to a dirty guild hall with fights erupting every where you looked. Some people looked at the exceed in question- not knowing who or what it was but then they were just punched right back into a fight.

You ran in after your exceed after the shock wore off about her abrupt entrance. 'She must be excited..' You thought as you watch everyone fight.

You walked past everyone, taking everything in before slumping into a seat at the bar where a young woman with beautiful white hair greeted you with a sweet smile.

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