Boy with White Hair > Killua Zoldyk <

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In which a mutual friend reunites you to your white-haired boy.


How long had it been? Six, maybe seven years since you last saw him. You had already began forgetting what he looked like and everyday you only wanted to go back to sleep to have more dreams about him. His name was imprinted into your mind though, you knew that much. His hair was white as snow and he had pale skin too. It made you angry to think that those were the only two features you could distinctly remember knowing how important he was to you.

You were about five years old when you first met, your families both notorious for being top assassins nationally, probably the globally too. They were both allies and so you and this boy were trained together; torture, poison, chains, bullets and whips, you both had to get through it all to become completely immune to your enemy.

You couldn't have any weaknesses, you didn't have any. If your mother and father ever found that you did or maybe lacked skill in another field, you had to train long and hard to master it. Endure the pain and aching of your muscles and make a smile appear on your parents faces. Thats the only times they were ever proud of you, when you were becoming a professional killing machine to get millions of jenny.

Your father's smile was different though, it wasn't a gratified and boastful smile that your sinister mother often wore at the sight of her offspring murdering other people she considered dead trash. Your father was more.. Remorseful and sad. Often you though you weren't doing well enough, frown and try harder. But you father would let you, claiming that he was sorry.

You didn't understand, seeing him sad made you sad and you wanted to make him better, to make him smile. But he only let you go to your room.

You and the white-haired boy would have many sleepovers, he was your best friend. You had no other siblings which rose the expectations given to you by your mother. The boy cared for you, tended for your wounds as you also tended to his and you both even set out an escape plan once you both reached your climax of killing people.

You would've gone through with it if your mother didn't try to set the house on fire. The woman was insatiable and insane, down right crazy and your father said she was only sick. The damned woman wanted to kill herself! Along with her family and he claims it was sickness? Luckily, your father saw it as an open window, an opportunity to finally set you free.

"Listen baby, you need to leave. Leave this place, hell even this country! Just go and live your life-"

"But Da-"

"Please! Nothing would make me more proud!" That made you shut up. Freedom, he was giving it to you. He knew how independent and intelligent you were, he just didn't want you stuck with your mother another day longer.

He ripped his hands off of your shoulders to shove you backwards after placing a chaste kiss on your forehead. You blinked back the tears and ran, running through the dark night in your night gown, away from home which was a lit in beautiful and bright flames that only engulfed the home.

Your little, bare feet trudged through the forest which was actually your front yard. You pushed through the 10 kilogram gate and ran, away from the guard and away from your everything; the boy with the bright, white hair.

Years had gone by and you were twelve years old now, you had missed the annual Hunter Exam and now you were comfortably resting in your room in the Heavens Arena up on the 204th floor. You had versed many challengers with ease and even killed some of them, it wasn't your intention since you only had money on your mind. You would often watch the tv's hanging off of the ceilings to take a glimpse at some fights but one day you breath stopped in your throat when you heard a name.

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