Valentine's Day > Alphonse Elric <

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Valentine's Day with Alphonse Elric


Today was a day always spent with Alphonse Elric. No, the two of you were unfortunately not a couple but if the opportunity arose, you already knew your answer. It had been almost five months since you had last seen Edward and Alphonse and it made you very upset. Winry had gone off and visited them when they asked the both of you come with them for a while but you had gotten sick that week and Granny Pinako was close to chaining you to your bed to keep you home.

Every Valentine's Day, Alphonse and yourself would get together and do fun things like watching movies or make cute little cards for each other asking to be each other's Valentine. Edward seemed to get annoyed or disgusted; maybe both, and Winry only squealed to herself; sometimes letting it slip and having everyone look at her strangely.

You sat in your room alone, watching the greens of the land and blues in the sky through the window after you had placed your clock right next to you to stare at the time hands ticking away. You never imagined yourself alone on a Valentine's Day and Winry's constant reassurance didn't really help. She was only trying to help; you knew that much but sometimes she spoke too much and that resulted in your brain creating false hope.

It was already ten o'clock in the morning and you had nothing to do at all. Even if Alphonse came right now, you still wouldn't have anything to do- but that's the good part about being with Alphonse on this romantic day; You never had to think too hard about doing things because you two would just do them automatically as long as the two of you were together.

In the past, Alphonse would sometimes hide secret gifts in his armour and leave them around the house, watching as you searched high and low and he grew ecstatic at the sight of your smile when he knew that he was the cause of it. Maybe Alphonse forgotten this year? You never wanted to add unnecessary pressure on him because you knew that his main objective- along with Edward's, was to get their bodies back so you couldn't really stay mad if he had forgotten.

The time had ticked on to ten thirty and you knew you couldn't just sit around and wait for the metal armour that was Alphonse. With being said you jumped up and got your shoes on, pulled out for jacket; just for safety measures and made your way downstairs where Winry greeted you with a smile. You already knew she was going to say something about Alphonse's absence and so in a second flat, you were out the door with Den by your side.

Walking along the fields of green grass brought a smile to your face and you were slightly happier because Den was keeping you company. Maybe this year your Valentine was Den, as sad as it sounds. You kept on walking until your feet began to hurt and took a seat in the grass, resting until your eyes slipped close.


You were startled awake after what felt like hours later when it was only probably minutes. You sat up and looked behind you to see Winry running toward you, you were silent and waited until she arrived- watching her slow to a stop in front of you where she smiled, looking extremely happy and quickly got you off of the ground.

You pulled away annoyed, scrunching your face in confusion as her happy-go-lucky nature got on your nerves. Probably because you were so tired, or maybe it was the lack of a Valentine. Nevertheless you wordlessly followed her as she cheerfully led you back towards the Rockbell household.

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