I like your last name.. > Edward Elric <

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Edward and Alphonse come home after a mission- with their beautiful bodies, you and Ed have been dating for five years and lets just say your surprised

(Y/N) - (Your Name)
(L/N) - (Last Name)


(Y/N) had been waiting all day for this, at least that what you would like to admit. You had actually been waiting at least a month and a half.

Edward and Alphonse were gone exploring and researching more things on alchemy and alca-history, they promised they would try to visit as much as they could but this was a tad too long for you.

You were staying in the Rockbell household- with Granny Pinako and Winry and would never admit it but the blonde-haired mechanic slightly intimidated you. You knew of how she felt about Edward- or used to feel, it scared you sometimes because of how smart and beautiful she was, that someday Edward would realise how much he needed her instead of you. Or how useless your presence really was around them all.

Edward completed you- you were the half that was broken and had no meaning, therefore Edward was the half that made you feel like you truly mattered.

And then their was Alphonse. The boy that looked up to you, he was definitely your best friend- you would provide him with strength and tranquility, but also advice and life lessons.

Staring out the window, looking out at the path that led to the vast green land, you kept wondering what was taking them so long. Tomorrow would mark the day of your six year anniversary with Ed and you wanted to spend it with him, you wanted to be with him all the time but you didn't want to say anything in case you might've seemed clingy- you didn't want to seem like a clingy girlfriend. You guessed you were just a bit insecure.

After daydreaming for God knows how many hours, some laughter and barking shook you from your imagination. Looking back to the front of the house again, your eyes widened when you saw Edward and Alphonse greeting Den outside, laughing as the cute, little dog jumped up at them in excitement.

Your breath leaped in your throat when Edward looked up at the house with a small smile on his face. His golden bangs flowed with the breeze and having somehow felt your stare- he looked straight at you.

Tears stung in your eyes but you kept them down as you got up and ran to the front door where the two boys were waiting for you.

"Hey (Y/N)" Edward spoke first with so much longing in his golden orbs.

"Long time no see!" Alphonse chirped from beside him, before throwing in a huge, toothy grin.

Before anyone could react, you suddenly jumped on them, earning a surprised yelp from the two before you wrapped your arms around their necks, pulling them into a warm group hug- finally happy to be reunited with your favourite people in the world.

It was now night time- 2:01am read the clock that hung on the wall- it was also the day you two got together six year ago.
Laying on the single bed, Edward laid on his back with one arm propped behind his head while the other was snugly wrapped around your waist. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't reach the unconsciousness that was sleep- not that you wanted to anyway.

Edward had been telling you about his trips all over Amestris and you laid, buried into his side listening to him speak. With one arm tightly holding his torso you turned your head into his warm body and gently kissed his body, loving how protected you felt.

You could feel him chuckling- or maybe giggling, in a manly way of course; just to protect his ego. He leaned down and planted multiple kisses on your head.

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