Forgive and Forget > Natsu Dragneel <

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Natsu can't hold a grudge, his heart is made of gold.


It was time to finally head home. Things didn't go as planned and you took a little break from wizardry and the guild. You needed to think about things after you completed your mission. You didn't mean for it to go for as long as it did but you were spending some quality time with your family, you didn't want to head back to the guild after what happened, it went south too quickly and you didn't know what you did to deserve it, what had you done? Was caring a bad thing to do now?

Three and a half long years had passed and you had finally decided to go back to the Fairy tail guild. You were excited to go their and experience that feeling of belonging again but you were afraid, your mind couldn't stop creating doubts in your mind and you couldn't help but think of different scenarios that could happen.

The master could kick you out of the guild.

People could welcome you with loving arms and tears in their eyes, causing a party to erupt due to your return.

Everyone could hate you and avoid you like the plague for leaving them.

Wizards could forgive and forget, acting as if nothing had happened and everything could go back to the way it was.

You were currently on the train to go to another town and there you would advance onto another train to go on the three day train ride to the edge of Magnolia. From there you would walk home, to your guild and only pray for the best. Sitting in your seat, your behind was now numb but you did nothing about it when you thought back to leaving your immediate family only hours ago.

- Flashback to a Few Hours Ago -

Entering the small village, people welcomed you with open arms and large smiles. You greeted childhood friends and they told you all about how they were doing and how happy they were. They informed you of your family, how well and kind they were which only made your smile grow.

After greetings and introductions you found your previous home before you moved to Magnolia and a soft smile appeared on your face when you took notice of the little girl making a flower crown in the front yard and the older woman sitting in a rocking chair, knitting what looked like socks.

You placed your suitcases down and that caught the attention of the little girl who then froze but erupted into squeals and laughter when she noticed it was you. She jumped to her two little feet and slammed into your body, instantly wrapping her feeble little arms around your waist with you returning the action.

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