Valentine's Day > Natsu Dragneel <

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Valentine's Day with Natsu Dragneel.


This was the fifth year you got to spend Valentine's Day with your beloved Natsu. Natsu and yourself had gotten together after Gray had 'accidentally' revealed Natsu's feelings. To that sudden truth, you were awestruck and frozen while  everyone was anticipating your next move, Natsu also watched and no matter how badly you wanted to hide from all those awaiting eyes, you slowly approached Natsu and kissed him.

Your mind shut off and your heart thumping out of control. You kissed the man you had fallen for and you could just tell by his touch that he was ecstatic that that had happened.

Five years later your relationship was stronger than ever though Natsu hardly let you go on missions because he was scared to lose you. You understood but that didn't mean you weren't worried about him. He constantly kissed you and reassured you that he would be okay and began his rant about how amazing and powerful he was of a Dragon Slayer.

This was then the beginning of the many, many fights with Gray as you stood by and laughed at the two. Natsu became so happy at the sound of your melodic laughter that it actually motivated him to fight harder which only lead to Erza coming in and smashing the wizards heads together.

"(Y/N)!" The said man screamed, earning a startled jump from you as you sat quietly as the bar of the Fairy Tail guild.

You turned your head with a cheerful smile on your face after you put your drink down and watched as Natsu ran towards you with a piece of paper. Your brow raised with curiosity and you sat quietly, watching the pink haired wizard pant as he caught his breath in front of you, wearing a smile that was instantly contagious.

"I made this for you! You have to do it!" Natsu stated loudly, with a bright grin on his face as he shoved the paper with messy hand writing scribbled on it. You grabbed the paper and watched him in confusion when he didn't say the words you first expected, 'Happy Valentine's Day?' or, 'Be my Valentine?'

"Come on, (Y/N)!" Happy exclaimed from above Natsu. With a sigh you looked down to the paper and began reading it's contents. You became confused, then shocked and then filled with glee. The paper you held, that Natsu had given you, was a treasure hunt! Your eyes grew wide with excitement and when you quickly jumped off the chair to thank Natsu you saw that he had disappeared.

You spun to face Mira who was giggling and when you opened your mouth to question her she only smiled more and interrupted you, "Go on (Y/N)!" You sighed again but you couldn't fight the smile off of your face as you playfully rolled your eyes and went on your way to exit the guild.

1) Go to the place we first met.

The place you first met Natsu Dragneel, that suddenly brought a smile to your face, hurting your cheeks in the process. You were now out of the guild and folding the sheet to place in your pocket, making your way into 8-Island where Natsu found you shoving your second burger into your mouth.

You blushed as you kept walking and remembered when Happy and Natsu thought they were being discreet and silent when they began speaking about you and how they - especially Natsu - was impressed and mesmerised by your ability to eat and look endlessly beautiful at the same time. However that worked.

You made it to 8-Island and walked in the doors where the waiters immediately made there way towards you with their pens out to write down your massive order. You laughed and shook your head and spoke, "Sorry, not today but you wouldn't happen to know anything about a treasure hunt?"

Their eyes grew wide at your suggestion and they yelled as they rushed to bring out the gift that was waiting for you to collect. You felt at awe when you saw the average sized plush teddy bear that was being brought out to you. Your hands instantly grasped the soft wool and you blushed when you read the words, 'I Love You.' On a red heart that was being held by the bear.

You thanked your friends and walked out as you pulled the paper out and mentally ticked the first order on the list. Continuing to read on you mouthed the words to the second location,

2) Go to the place we revealed our feelings.

You rolled your eyes and made your way back to the Fairy Tail guild. You entered the quiet place to find Mira and Gray standing side by side as if they had been expecting you. Mira grinned sweetly with a twinge of mystery while Gray rolled his eyes when a small smile managed to creep onto his face.

You quietly approached them and waved the paper of things to do that Natsu had given you in front of their faces. They chuckled at your impatient behaviour and brought out two gifts from behind their backs to keep from your vision. You silently and slowly grabbed the two gifts after you passed the plush teddy bear to Gray to hold it. With your smiling mouth agape you grabbed Mira's gift which was a heart shaped box of your favourite delicious treats. After you took some to eat quickly, you gulped them down and grabbed the next present with care and canniness seeing as it was a jewellery box.

You opened the box and watched as Mira and Gray silently stared when three mouths fell open at the sight of the beautiful diamond necklace that held a diamond encrusted heart which you opened to view the picture of Natsu and yourself when you had shared you first kiss that Lucy had secretly taken a picture of.

Tears stung your eyes and you hastily took the necklace and immediately clamped it around your neck where you embraced the cool metal touching your neck. You thanked and hugged Mira and Gray with tears running down your face and you then looked down to the paper to see the next and last place with your blurry vision.

3) Lastly, to the place we always hideout together.

You furiously wiped your face of tears and practically ran to the forest where you made it to the place Natsu and yourself always went when you two wanted to be alone; whether it be happy, mad or sad, the two of you always found this place special to you.

The clearing was so beautiful and you loved that Natsu had tied some hammocks onto the trees where you could lay together. The clearing blocked you from the rest of the world and all you could see were the treetops and the sunset over the ocean in the horizon. You found yourself staring at the ocean when an awkward but farmiliar cough was heard from behind you.

Knowing that no one but Natsu and yourself knew of your hiding place, you continued to smile when more tears leaked down your face and turned around in a flash when your breath automatically got caught in your throat.

Kneeling in front of you was Natsu Dragneel, on one knee as he was smiling nervously with a red face and a simple, shining silver ring thrusted into your face. Natsu smiled more and looked as if he wanted to hug you when he saw more tears run down your face when you sobbed in absolute delight for what was about to happen.

"Please stop crying, (Y/N)." He murmured softly as he shakily held the box that contained the ring.

You breathed to calm yourself and watched as Natsu stared at the place where you necklace hung on your chest.

"Baby.. I love you so much, a-and well you're the fire that's c-constantly in my belly, y-you complete me and I can't begin to imagine how I could ever live without you. So... (Y/N), Would you make me the happiest fire breather alive and become (Y/N) Dragneel."

You helplessly sobbed and nodded furiously before he even finished and he laughed at that, becoming more relaxed with you as he shakily placed the ring onto your left finger and lifted you up to embrace you in a hug that had you instantly wrapping your legs around his waist mumbling about how much you loved him.

"Happy Valentine's Day (Y/N)." He murmured into your neck in between the butterfly kisses he delicately left on your burning skin.

"I love you so much, Happy Valentine's Day Natsu."

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