Mi Amor > Edward Elric <

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Edward's jealousy turns into a confession.

(btw he is way to beautiful to be frowning all the time.)

"Mi Amor, are you okay?"

Edward, Alphonse and yourself decided to head back home for a while, you also sort of had to because Ed's automail was acting up again. Most likely because of how reckless and selfless he is.

He wasn't in a good mood and you weren't sure why, it looked like Alphonse knew why but he didn't bother telling you- that annoyed you but you ignored it.

Edward grunted in response to your question but kept walking off the train that just arrived in Resembool. You weren't to happy about his answer but you didn't want to aggravate him even more- especially when he was most likely going to get a wrench to his head.

After about twenty minutes of silence, you were about 10 metres away from home. You didn't like that Edward was in such a bad mood- his moods affected your moods. You always wanted him to be happy.

You were determined to make him happy- or at least find out the root of the problem.

"Do you want to go to your Mum's grave, Mi Amor?" You asked him shyly as you watched his reaction, whether it was bodily or verbal.

He went tense but he still kept his gaze on the house. Was it your fault he was mad?

"Urgh whatever!- Winry! We're Home!" He spat and then shouted, gaining the blonde's attention, from which a silver wrench came flying and hitting Edward straight on the forehead. Edward moaned in pain from the ground, but you did nothing to help him- it was unusual causing even Alphonse and Winry looked at you strangely.

Everytime Ed got hurt, you would do anything to help him. Hell, even Edward glanced at you to see why you hadn't reacted. But you simply walked inside with a straight face hiding your torn up emotions.

"Uh dammit.." Edward muttered to himself when he heard your bedroom door slam inside the house.

You decide to give him space, that answer you had received only a few minutes ago rung through your head on repeat- Urgh whatever!
The way he said it though, so much anger that it scared you- you didn't know what you had done to deserve it, so you had found no reason to help him when he was withering in pain on the ground. To you, he actually deserved it.

After you had slammed the door to your room, you grabbed you jacket and slipped on some shoes and heard the door opening behind you.

Turning around, you saw the metal amour that was Alphonse. He watched you in silence as you tied up the laces to your shoes and then questioned where you were going.

"I'm gonna visit Trisha, I wanna talk to her."

Alphonse nodded in answer, knowing it was a sensitive subject to everyone, her death brought grief to everyone but she was like your aunt, or even your big sister despite the age difference with you being the same age as her two sons.

You silently walked past him before his voice stopped you, "(Y/N).. What does 'Mi Amor' mean?"

The thought made you tense, you didn't want to discuss it since it was your nickname for Edward and he was currently mad at you right now for whatever reason he had.

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