Chapter 7: Coming

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I'm sorry that its too short! School just threw projects at me! T^T

(Teusday night)
"im sorry, kiddo-sob- im such an irresponsible dad...."
"Human, since you left I've became really sad. No one will never solve my puzzles -sob- again! We should have arrived sooner.. I'm sorry…Frisk…"
"Sorry, Frisk we could not save you… please forgive me..-sob-…" Undyne..
Alphys stayed quiet, while crying on Frisk's lap.
"I'm sorry, child… I don't want to ask for an apology from you but I just want you to know… that we love you-sob- and thank you…you set our race free from the underground and became our ambassdor… proudly… I've could never thank you enough…child…"
(At a mysterious place, 3rd person view)
"Sir, mission accomplished. The target was killed by our group, The Robes." An assisstant told their leader.
"WeLl, THaT MaYBe a pRoBLEm. I'Ve cHANngeD mY MinD yeStERdAY. I wANt tHat ChiLD aLiVE... bUT HoW?" Their leader spoke.
"Sir we will start to research if there is a slight chance to bring them back safely…"
"FinE tHeN, dO wHAt YOu mUST"
"Yes, sir" with that the leader's assisstant walked out of the dark room filled with monitors.
(Friday, at the void, night time, Frisk's POV)
"I can't wait for my family to see me alive!" I smiled happily while pouncing back-and-forth in the void.
"Well, yes me too…I geuss?" Chara, who spoke to me while twisting her knife in the floor in a vertical formation.
"And.. its already night time!" I screamed happily while jumping, I just can't wait!
"Heh, goodluck to you facing the flood of sceams and happy tears again.."

Thanks for reading guys! I promise that I'll update later this day!

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