Chapter 14

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I knocked on Daniel's door and he opened it leaning on the wall shirtless.

"Daniel!" I said moving him to the couch.

He smiled and wrapped his arms around me. "Hey baby! I knew you would come back!" He slurred.

I rolled my eyes and sat him on the couch.

I went into the kitchen to grab a cup of water and aspirin.

When I came back Daniel was crying holding up a picture with me and Dj?

I covered my mouth as I got closer to daniel.

I slowly sat by him and took the picture. This was the last time I saw my baby.

Memories started to flood back and I started to cry.

"I want him back!!" I cried.

I can't do this anymore more. Ever since I been with Daniel things go wrong.

I know everything can be perfect but I want to try it with Chris.

I can't keep lying to him.

"I have to go." I sniffed.

He got up and hugged me.

"Don't go" he said. I tried to move him but he was too strong. I looked at me and kissed me. I haven't kissed him in a long time.

I tried to pull away but he made me realized that I still loved him.

He picked me up and carried me to his bedroom. He put me on the bed and started to take off out clothes.

"I miss you" he whispered. I moaned as he kissed my neck. "I miss both of yall" he said as he put himself inside of me.

I gasped and closed my eyes.

Next Day


I woke up to see Miya sleeping beside me. I jumped and hopped out of the bed.

"How she get in here!" I yelled to myself.

Shit! I must've called her over when I was drunk. I hope with fucked.

I woke up Miya and she sighed.

She checked her phone realizing what time it was.

"Shit I have to go!" She said running to the bathroom.

I walked into the kitchen and started to cook breakfast.

Soon Miya walked in the kitchen with her keys in her hand.

"Going so soon?" I asked.

"Uhh yea. I have somewhere to be. Don't worry we didn't do anything" she said walking out.

I shook my head. Shit!


"You sure you ready for this plan? There's no quitting this time!" Khalil said.

I nodded.

"Okay so I'm going to explain it one more time. Cadence has your child. How I know? When I had a meeting for my new students I saw cadence new father bring in DJ. He said that he was married to Cadence and she adopted a child which was a lie. All we need to do is find evidence and snitch." Ariana said.

"Wait so the twins in the same class as him?" I asked. She nodded. "They said they met a boy called Caden aka DJ." Ariana explained.

I got up and scratched my head. "All those years she set us up to steal Dj and ruin me and Miya's relationship." I yelled.

Chances (DiggySimmons)Where stories live. Discover now