Chapter 22

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I adjusted my dress as I got out of the car. I placed my phone into my purse and walked up to the front door.

Daniel mansion is nice! His rapping really paid off. I ringed the doorbell and waited.

Soon his mother opened up the door and we tightly hugged each other. I forgot I was expecting so I decided to be the first one to let go.

She smiled with joy. "Hi mama J I missed you so much!" I said. "How? You never called me." She joked.

I smiled and walked in to see Daniel family and I'm guessing London family all around the house.

Mama Justine led me to the table and I sat down. She sat by me and smiled. "Daniel told me about your pregnancy, congratulations sweetie." She squealed.

I smiled. "I'm excited I finally get to get my baby back and another one on the way!" I said.

"If you didn't mind August dropped DJ off here. It was hard for him to let him go. He decided to be the god father instead." She said.

I smiled.

"Did they say anything about us parents?" I asked. She shook her head. "They said it's you to you and my son." She said.

"Miya?" Daniel called. I turned around to see him dressed. My god he was sexy. Calm down Miya he's taken.

He hugged me and joined us at the table.

"This a lot of people for a dinner party." I said. He chuckled. "London told her momma a dinner party but the whole family came." He said.

He admired my dress and smiled. "You look lovely." He said touching my hair.

I blushed and look down. Justine left and talked to her husband.

"I heard my son is here." I said. He sucked his teeth. "Miya it was supposed to be a surprise but I guess momma didn't know about the secret. You want to see him now?" He asked..""

I nodded and smiled.

He grabbed my hand and walked upstairs to his room. He opened the door to see Caden or Dj on the floor looking sad.

"He's still upset about the whole thing" he said. I walked up to Caden and sat on the bed.

"Caden?" I called. He looked up at me with tears in his eyes. I hopped on my lap and started to cry. "The police took me away from my family and threw my mommy in jail." He cried.

I held his as he cried. I don't know what to tell him. "Listen sweetie. The lady the claims to be your mother was a bad lady. Bad people go to jail. That wasn't your daddy either." I said.

He stopped crying and looked up at me. "So who son am I? If that lady and man wasn't my parents after all." He asked.

I smiled. "We are." I said smiling. He wiped his tears. "You're my mommy and Diggy Simmons my daddy?" He asked.

We nodded. He smiled. "Cool! Yall better than my old parents!" He cheered.

We laughed as we got him dressed. He's a good and understanding kid. Just like me.

He slipped on his shoes still asking questions. "So what about my name?" He asked tying his shoe. "You named after me. Daniel Dwayne Simmons the 4th." Daniel said. He smiled.

"Cool! We can hang out and I can show you all around the school. This will be fun." He said.

Daniel picked him up kissing his cheek. They hugged and they looked at me. "Family hug mommy." He said. I started to cry and hugged as a family.

Chances (DiggySimmons)Where stories live. Discover now