"Cassidy, I'm so sorry," I whispered, gently, "Please don't cry."

"Are you going to bully me again?"

I widened my eyes, goosebumps trailed down my whole body. She removes her hair away from her face, I was given a sight of someone being afraid of me. I don't want her to be scared of me anymore. I get up to sit on the edge of the bed, holding out my hand to her.

"No, I won't, I promise," I told her.

Cassidy looks into my eyes as she tries to see if I was positive, once she did, she grabs my hand and crawls towards me, slowly putting her arms my neck and hugs me. She cries into my shoulder. Her body is still stiff. I wrapped my arms and put my chin on top of her head. She starts to calm down and her cries quietly go away.

"Okay, Cassidy. We have to go, okay?" I tell her, pushing her slightly off, " No ifs or buts because we're going to leave".

I get up to open the door, creaking the door open, I see Tim waiting out there, talking with some other dudes. He was waiting for me. Closing the door, I walk back to Cassidy who silently waited for me, twisting with the ends of her hair, watching me as I walk around the room. I look for ways to leave the room, it was only the small deck to exit out, we would have to get on the tree and climb down, but it could be too risky and we could fall.

After making this decision, I walk over to her and slip one arm under her legs and the other one wrapped around her waist, carrying her bridal style. Cassidy doesn't question me, unlocks the door for me and I walk through the crowd, trying to hide from Tim as he chucks away a beer. Running down the stairs, I get out of the house, heading toward the car and I placed Cassidy in the car. I tell her to not open the door unless it's me. Returning to the house, unseen by Tim, I search for Angelina and the boys. After finding them and told them about Cassidy, none of them argued and we left the house.

Getting into the car, I made sure everyone was had their seat belt and I drove since everyone was drunk or tipsy. Cassidy constantly repeated 'moms not home, let's go to my place', everyone agreed and demanded me to go, with no choice, I drove to Cassidy's place. Glancing at the rearview mirror, I saw Luke kissing Cassidy's cheek and lowly whispering into her ear, she blushed and would slightly push Luke away but he would retreat to her. That fucking bastard, not too long ago, he was grinding on some random girl.

I stepped on the brakes with all might, causing everyone to almost fall out of their seat and I mumbled 'sorry' with no sympathy. We eventually made it to Cassidy's house. Everyone fell in the living room except for Cassidy and me.

"Callie, can you take me to my room?" slurred Cassidy, almost falling asleep.

I cringed at the name but I ignored it, she reaches out to me with her hands up in the air, wanting me to carry her. Huffing, I pick her up into her bridal style and carried her up to her room. I laid her down on the bed and walk to the door, just as I was about to leave, Cassidy calls me.

"Goodnight Cal-Pal! Thank youuu, you're niceee. I love that about people. I love you then. I love you, Calum," yawned Cassidy," night."

"Yeah same," I said as I closed the door behind me, "Goodnight Cassidy." 

 If only you knew, Cassidy. 


Waking up with a major headache, instantly made me nauseous. Sitting up, I tried to massage my head as I looked around the room, I was in my bedroom. How? All of my questions stop when the feeling of a nasty arose in my throat. Jumping from my bed, I ran to the toilet and hovered it.

"Cassidy? Are you- oh shit!" yelled a voice.

I felt someone behind me, kneeling and held my hair back as I continued to throw up. After a few minutes, I stopped. I laid my back against my sink. I closed my eyes trying to remember how many I drank last night, but nothing came. I opened my eyes to see Calum in front of me, placing the back of his hand on my forehand, then wiping off the sweat by my hairline. 

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