thirty five

354 20 3

trying to be as accurate as possible but im failing so now who gives a shit


"What the?"

Luke looked to his side to see Karen still there awake and on her phone.

"How long has it been?"

"Only two hours, Luke."

Luke was so confused, he thought it would've been more than that.

The doctors were rushing in and out, doing what they were supposed to.

Then Luke heard the same announcement.

"Can we please have additional surgeons to room 577."

Luke's head snapped toward the hall that led to Michael's room, watching people quickly move.

Luke shakily walked up to the front desk.

"A-am I allowed t-to visit Michael Clifford?"

"No his condition is..critical."


Luke's eyes widened.

"Yeah, the doctor had done something wrong's probably best if you didn't know.."


I wanna know now."

"Well the forceps weren't properly clasped around the vein and artery, so the bleeding is really bad."

"How could you let this happen?"

"Mistakes like this can happen to anyone."

"But I-we brought him to a hospital for good care, not some shitty service.

If he dies, I swear to god I'm killing someone.

I don't want him to go."

Luke cried silently.

"Sir we are trying the best we can, please."


You're not trying hard enough, but I know my Michael will.

He said he would try for me, so I believe he can do it."


Please just sit down."

Karen said, quickly mouthing sorry, while the lady waved it off.

"Karen, Michael said he would be strong for me, so I'm putting every last bit of faith I have on him."


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