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"So what college do you plan on going to, how about the same one as your brothers?"

Luke shook his head.

"Actually, I wanted to help pay for Michael's surgery.."

Liz's eyebrows furrowed, her face was red.

Anyone with eyes could see how angry she was.

"Michael this, Michael that.

It's all about him, isn't it?

Get your head out of your ass Luke.

That kid isn't going to make it, he's going to die.

There's nothing you can do!

I won't let you use the money for anything else, but college."

Luke was already running up the staircase, tears in his eyes and hands balled into a fist.

Luke was livid, he didn't expect that answer from his own mother.

Since she wasn't going to help, Luke will just make the money on his own.

He will find a way to pay for Michael's surgery, he wants him to get better.

No matter what, he's going to make sure he gets the money.


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