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The boys fell asleep on the couch, Michael sleeping on top of Luke.

Luke cuddled his face into Michael's hair.

Slowly the front door unlocked.

Karen walked through and dropped her things in the dinning area.

Luke woke up, due to the sound of her bags dropping.

He thought that now would be the perfect time to ask her a question.

He slowly slid Michael off and onto the couch, also smiling at the way his small hands clutched the blanket.

Luke walked over to Karen while she was sitting down, she got startled.

"Luke, I'm sorry.

Did I wake you?"

"Yeah, but that's alright."

She looked exhausted, she had bags under her eyes and she just seemed so done with everything.


Also thanks for taking care of Michael!"

"No problem, can I ask you something?"


"When will Mikey get surgery?"

Her eyes started to water at the sound of surgery and Mikey in the same sentence.

She cried uncontrollably.

"I've been trying so hard Luke.

Been working so hard to pay it all off."

She kept shaking her head and slamming her hand on the table repeatedly.

"I could pitch in some.."


You can't, I won't have enough to pay you back and-"

"Please, you don't need to pay me back."

"Are you sure?"

She sniffled and wiped her eyes.


She engulfed Luke in a hug, crying into his shoulder and whispering 'thank yous'.


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