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Luke wanted to get there before dinner, and he already asked if it was alright.

He looked both ways before crossing the street, and walked up to the familiar house.

He knocked and the door was answered by Karen.

"Come in, come in."

The walls were yellow and the wood was dark, the place was furnished well.

"Go up to Michael's room, he should be waiting for you there."

She smiled, and anyone could tell how happy she was.

Luke removed his shoes and placed them by the door, then made his way up the stairs.

The first door he saw had the name Michael on it.

There were other ones too, but Luke didn't want to seem nosy.

"It's Luke, can I come in?"

"Just a second.."

The door slowly opened, and the room was messy but it looked nice.

"Hi Luke."

"Hi Michael.

Heard you're doing better, yeah?"

Michael took a sip of his drink then nodded.

"Mom said that I need to start taking medicine to make sure it doesn't happen again."

"Oh, well I hope it doesn't happen.

Anyways, tell me a bit about yourself."

"Um-i'm the kind of guy that likes to watch chick flicks rather than watching sports..

I live with my mom only, and our dog nettie."

"Where is your dog?"

Luke loves dogs, he loves everything but cats.

It's all because of his first experience with one, it attacked him and he hated cats ever since.

"She's in the backyard, follow me."

Michael jumped off his bed and walked downstairs, Luke following behind.

They both put on their sneakers and Michael slid the glass door open.

The walk was long but they finally made it to a circle with rocks around it.

Luke stared at the ground confused.

"Well there she is."

"Wait is she-"

"Sleeping, for awhile."


"Yes Luke?"

Luke wanted to tell him, but he could see the innocence in his eyes.

"Nevermind, it's dinner time."


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