twenty three

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Knocking was heard at the front door and Luke opened it and found Michael there in tears.

Luke quickly let him inside and let him sit on the couch.

Liz made a face that was indescribable, like she was absolutely disgusted that Michael was here.

"Michael what's going on, for a second I thought it was you in the ambulance.."

"Mother-almost-called ambulance-sick and.."

"Woah, slow down.

Breathe for me baby, come on, breathe like me."

Luke inhaled and Michael did the same.

Then he exhaled and Michael followed.

Michael finally calmed down and was able to talk.

"Well my mom got stressed because I need to get my surgery in this month and she still couldn't pay for it.

I-I'm not positive what happened but I found her on the floor, just her nothing near her.

So I called the police and now she's going to the hospital."

"Oh baby that's terrible."

Liz shamefully hung her head, she knew she caused this.

All the pain and trouble, she knew exactly what she was doing.

"Well you can stay here until she gets better, okay babe.

Just head on up to my room, I'll be right there, yeah."


Luke walked towards his mother.

"Are you happy?"

"This isn't what I wanted and I said I regret it and I'm sorry."

"Well can sorry fix what you've already done, at least you're actually giving me the money.

It's as if you only care about yourself!"

"I changed!"

"Did you really, I saw the face you made when Mikey first came in."


"Don't wanna here it."

Liz sighed while Luke ran up to his room.

She decided she was going to go grocery shopping, since there was barely anything for herself.

"There you go Elizabeth, thinking only about yourself.."


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