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how is this so far?
i just want to make sure you're not bored to death
reference not intended


"So let me get this straight, you have 2 older brothers?"

"Yep, I miss them."

"Are they sleeping like Nettie?"

"Oh um, no.

They're just far away, and I can't visit as often as I want to."

"Hmm, well it's gonna be alright."

Michael cuddled Luke close, and Luke was enjoying it.

Just then Karen came through the front door and smiled when she saw Luke with her son.

"Thanks again Luke, I'll pay you as soon as I can I just-"

"Pay me?

There's no need for that, me and Mikey are friends."

She smiled wider and folded her hands together.

"Thank you so much, you have no idea."

"Just one cost..

I can ask you anything about this whole situation."

"That's fine."

We sat down at the table again, while Michael was doodling somewhere.

"Have you every thought of telling Michael?"

"N-no not really, I don't want him to worry too much."

"But he's 18, he's able to go to college, able to get a job."

"The last time I told him bad news, he reacted terribly.

I told him his goldfish died and he went ballistic."


"I can only imagine what he would do if I told about everything else."

"I think you should tell him, it's only fair."

"No Luke!

Michael is my son, not yours!

Now I think you should go home."

Luke awkwardly got out of his seat and walked across the quiet road.

This was a routine, but he didn't mind going to see Michael.


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