thirty three

357 16 4

i keep messing wit you and these updates

****if this seems graphic to you then im sorry i tried not to
also im not a doctor. im a 13 year old teen that wants to be a doctor when she grows up but like im not a professional. so pretty much all this research stuff isn't new to me. may not be accurate but whatever..****

feel free to ask or google what you don't understand
i had to google it myself


Michael laying still and the doctors were washing their hands.

They removed his clothes and cleaned their instruments.

"Okay, I need to make the incision here, around his stomach..and you get the skin around his right side."

Dr. Hood had used the scalpel to cut into the skin, dabbing at the blood that started to flow.

Dr. Irwin turned off the lights so the main lamp could be used easier.

The other two doctors there were Dr. Price and Dr. Harris.

Dr. Hood cut through the muscle, dabbing it with a gauze again.

Dr. Price had cut near his side, so it would be easier to access the kidney.

"We are going to have to perform a radical nephrectomy.

I don't think this kidney can function right."

Dr. Hood wiped at the sweat on his forehead.

Dr. Irwin watched carefully, he was only supervising.

The doctors removed the layer of skin, muscles, and other organs that were in the way.

Dr. Hood picked up the hemostat and clamped them around the renal vein and artery.

"Carefully Hood."

He slightly jabbed it into the side, but didn't cause any damage just a slight cut.

"Don't scare me like that Price."

Dr. Harris quickly wiped away the blood and held a gauze there.

Hood grabbed the scalpel and started to remove the ureter, and Harris wiped away at any liquids that had flown out.

He then carefully used the scissors to cut at the artery and the vein, what a mistake.




*is glaring at my sister bc she told me to make you guys suffer*

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