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Luke had fallen asleep on the other side of the couch, he was snoring and Michael smiled at that.

Michael's fingers kept touching his nose, the spot where Luke kissed it.

He smiled, it was more affectionate than when his mom gave him kisses.

And it felt warmer.

Suddenly, Michael's ankles started to hurt and the pain came back on his sides.


Michael fell to the floor, groaning in pain like usual.

But this time he was sweating and panting.

"L-Luke, please h-help."

Luke's eyes finally opened and noticed Michael in pain.

He quickly rushed to his side.

"The pain?"

Michael nodded, then mouthed hot.

Luke quickly got some cold water and his medicine.

He carried Michael onto the couch and but a blanket over him, then gave him his medicine.

(a/n: im not even sure if thats how this works but oh well.)

"Feeling better?"

"A little bit."

Michael whimpered when the pain returned from his ankles.

"Can you give me a massage?

Please Lukey?"


Luke went upstairs to grab some lotion then came back down and squirted some into his hand.

He started to push the palm of his hand into Michael's ankle.

Michael was starting to feel way better.

"Feeling good bab- I mean, Michael."

"Feels amazing."

Eventually he fell asleep and Luke wiped the excess lotion off his hands.

"Goodnight, Mikey."

Luke kissed his nose and Michael smiled in his sleep.

Luke awed at that and went to go sleep upstairs in Michael's room.

He plopped on the bed, taking in the scent of Michael's pillow.

"Why am I so in love with a sick boy?"

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