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100 reads guy!! thank you!


"That was disgusting."

Michael used a hand to wipe the taste off his lips.

"It isn't meant to taste good, it's meant to help you."

"Yeah, okay.

Can you please tell me now."

"Well for starters, your-um dog isn't sleeping."

"What do you mean?"

"Nettie is dead, that's why she's in the ground."

Michael stared at Luke, then at his hands.

He made them into a fist.

Luke could see the sadness and anger in his eyes.

"So she just lied to me!"

"Michael calm down!

This is why she didn't tell you in the first place, she knew you would react like this!"

Michael's fist softened and he laid back on the couch, sighing.

"M-maybe, it would be better if I didn't know."

Michael's eyes met Luke, waiting for a reply.

Luke only nodded, hesitantly and cuddled up beside Michael.

"Thanks for sticking with me."

"What a-are friends for."

Luke didn't want to only be friends.

"Yeah, friends I guess."

"Something wrong, Michael?"

"It's just, I-I don't think we're only friends."

Michael looked everywhere else but at Luke.

He was hovering over Michael, watching as Michael's eyes finally looked at him.

"Then would you mind if I kissed you?"

"I don't know."

Michael bit his lip nervously, he knew he wanted to but did he really?

"Worth a shot."

Luke leaned in pressing his lips against Michael's.

Nothing much, but just a short, chaste kiss.

Michael felt butterflies and his heart was melting.

His arms wrapped around Luke's neck, pulling him in closer.

They both closed their eyes, getting into it.

Michael smiled against Luke's lips, and Luke wanted more.

Michael opened his mouth, letting Luke's tongue enter.

He really enjoyed it, his first real kiss.

Luke pulled away, smiling at Michael.

"Your spit is all over my mouth."

Michael laughed at wiped it away.

"Not bad for a first timer."

"That was..amazing."


M E D I C I N E |Muke ✓Where stories live. Discover now